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Well now I need to pull it out, but I don’t think your gearbox would like that very much
For when you need a shifter that might just kill someone in a crash.
Angearil, Shift of the West
The heel-toe again shall be King
One does not simply drive into Mordor.
“Strange automobiles distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!”
are you brave enough?
Joystick in a car? Genius!
Sword + manual transmission not a bolt action automatic….
Americans like their cars like their school supplies. Fully automatic.
Reminds me of the phallic tattoo on Brock Lesnar’s chest.
When you’re in the on-ramp and they’re not letting you merge on the highway.
“They will answer to the King of Gondor.”
Downshifts valiantly, brap brap brap, merges.
“You will suffer me.”
Where was Gondor when the zipper merge failed?
It has been reforged
Looks at your car
“No more than a broken heirloom”
Excalicar, of the High Ways
And they that can shift into the 6th gear shall be named King of the Road!