We’re potentially one election - and one big mac-related cardiac arrest - away from our first nooticer president. The American Experiment is on the verge of failure.
I REALLY don’t wanna rank rapes, but isn’t frat rape an archetypal rape? It’s unambiguously terrible to the point that the only defense the perpetrators can mount is that it didn’t happen. This is like decrying the expansion of murder to include defenstration along side the more traditional bludgeoning and stabbing.
I too believe in race science, but only a teeny weeny bit
That’s because the HN poster I quoted, like many many MANY people, has conflated predicting iq based off of genes with heritabilty. I’d recommend reading the linked substack, the author’s much more succient and knowledgeable than I am, and I wouldn’t want to misrepresent his point
In particular, two semantic tricks are used. First, the fact that current genetic markers aren’t a good prediction for IQ heritability is used as an argument against it. The other likely explanation that our understanding of those markers is widely incomplete is not explored.
Unlike our understanding of IQ, the game of matching shapes where the loser gets a teen pregnancy. That’s been fully explored.
Speaking of the “virtualization” plan he has, did he not realize how expensive and impractical and un-immersive this would be, especially with 2008 technology?
You have to buy (and eventually repair) a shit ton of 4d VR headsets. You have to feed these guys and excercise them to make sure they don’t atrophy too hard. And VR sucks ass, even now, so the entire facility would just be a shittier, smellier dark ride with a captive audience.
Isn’t this just a stupider version of The Matrix? How is this guy so renowned?
As Delegate of San Francisco, what should you do with these people? I think the answer is clear: alternative energy. Since wards are liabilities, there is no business case for retaining them in their present, ambulatory form. Therefore, the most profitable disposition for this dubious form of capital is to convert them into biodiesel, which can help power the Muni buses.
Jesus Christ
Okay, just kidding. This is the sort of naive Randian thinking which appeals instantly to a geek like me, but of course has nothing to do with real life. The trouble with the biodiesel solution is that no one would want to live in a city whose public transportation was fueled, even just partly, by the distilled remains of its late underclass.
Oh ok, that’s less(?) terrible
However, it helps us describe the problem we are trying to solve. Our goal, in short, is a humane alternative to genocide. That is: the ideal solution achieves the same result as mass murder (the removal of undesirable elements from society), but without any of the moral stigma. Perfection cannot be achieved on both these counts, but we can get closer than most might think
Jesus Christ
The National Socialist party of Germany, Hitler’s party focused on advancing German rights and the hone of, among other things, the best outfits I’ve seen of a political party
I think it’s closer to the arr blockedandreported brand of race science. I took a glance at Koanic soul and he seems spiritually aroused by whitness, seems a lil different.
Y’know, kind of like a Caroline Ellison type where they’re definitely and severely into scientific racism, but less venomous than a blue check.
By the way, are there any archive services besides internet archive? They’ve excluded this domain and idk how I feel about giving this dude direct traffic
Reminds me of that dude who’s obsessed with opera’s fuck huge head and is convinced that she’s a modern day Yakub because of it.
“Yeah, they’re good people; we would hang out more, but my brain isn’t leaking out of my ears”
Woow, TIL. I thought he was halfway decent from the way he flatly called sailer a racist (low bar I know), but his consistent fraternization with Hannania seemed strange to me.
Very late, but for the love of God, make sure you raise your black child with enough respect for themselves and their race that they’ll avoid debating twitter racists. Make sure your router drops requests to 4chan.org! Disable DNS over HTTPS on their devices! Run all their traffic through a proxy, MitM every request for an image and have a chat with them if you start seeing a lot of pfp sized pictures of roman statues. You need your kid to avoid these people the way they should avoid a hot stove.
I genuinely don’t know, but I would believe it 100%. He seems like an arrdestiny-esque debate pervert in a reply-guy world. I think a “left wing” motte would suit him
He also wants us to know that Hannania is much less right than he’s made out to be.. Richard gave him a signal boost and is cool with gay people! Unfortunately, Tracey hasn’t grasped that “right winger” is simply a metonym for “thinks blacks are the second least domesticable African animal after zebras”
Wow, the commenters seem surprisingly…not ok with the guest choices. Especially Hannania
One problem with discussing this is that we here arguably have an asymmetric discourse situation.
"I’d like to tell you my thoughts on these various eugenicists, but they would be repulsive, fedposts, unable to be conveyed accurately in public discourse.
Not just physics, but the physics of the world. Which makes it sound as if AI and physics are fundamentally separate somehow.
Is BasedBeef aware that AI is already fundamentally merged with physics on the basis that it already physically exists? Just because your six finger, no light in her neon eyes gen AI waifu is 2D doesn’t mean that the bits that comprise her are exempt from the physics of the universe. Really, what could that quote possibly even mean?