ooh look at you, so smart!
ooh look at you, so smart!
hey hey hey, at least the US is genociding brown people by proxy. You gotta give us that at least.
but he did lower the crime rate
fun fact, “most” real numbers have this property. If you were to mark each one on a number line, you’d fill the whole line out. Numbers that don’t have this property are vanishingly rare.
“safe for work” means something very different when your work is basically smell-testing your own flatulence at the behest of Peter Thiel.
It’s a huge failure of computing that this is the most convenient and obvious way to do this.
ooh can I play? A species’ or race’s intelligence can be reasonably defined by how rapidly it extracts resources from the surrounding area.
It’s pretty on-brand for a techbro to search for answers in what they see as “the code” (genome) while ignoring the entire rest of the fucking world.
my man have you ever been in, like, another country?
You contributed to a miasma of chaos around the state violating my parental rights to confiscate my children’s reproductive capacity.
Depending on how you parse this sentence, the author could be asserting a parental right to confiscate their children’s reproductive capacity which is unbelievably unintentionally poetic.
In this case, the context is definitely humans being born on earth. The entire diatribe I responded to can be summed up as “People have all kinds of ethical and moral objections to surrogacy. In this post, I dismiss all of those without an argument, and instead assign positive moral value to everything that increases the number of lives, including surrogacy.” It’s probably one of the dumbest things I read this week.
Deep into that diatribe:
Some people’s moral intuitions are that nonexistence is preferable to, or not obviously worse than, existence in a less-than-ideal setting. I wholly reject this intuition, and looking at the record of the persistence of life in the face of adversity, belong to a heritage of those who have, time and time again, rejected it. Life is Good.
What a disgustingly privileged thing to say. People have survived in shitty situations so therefore more children in poverty is axiomatically good? This guy deserves poverty. (edit: maybe that’s a bit too far but I fucking hate this guy)
I think you’re being too generous. What they wanted to say is “There are genetic traits associated with intelligence.” However, not inserting probability distributions in every fucking sentence is a class 2 misdemeanor in Rat circles, hence what was written.
This is going to happen in any prediction market whose events are opened and closed manually. Unless you can automatically halt trading when the condition is met (this is probably what people call an “AI-complete” problem), there will always be people who notice the condition is met before the event runner. The unfair trades will certainly be reversed if this is a prediction market worth even a little bit of its salt.
Holy FUCKING shit this cannot be real. No. He could not have written this.
My estimation of SBF as a wretch just fuckin plummeted.
It’s impossible to stop returning to that steaming pile of dogshit post and find something new to sneer at:
As Delicious Tacos aptly put it, a Far Left phase is treated like a woman eating pussy in college, while a Far Right phase is treated like a man sucking cock.
Random musings but I feel like posting: I almost got sucked into the urbit hole. I thought it was such a cool idea and implementation, and all the fun names and technical purity was so attractive to me at age 18 (this was before the crypto circus and urbit barely did anything except talk to a terminal).
It took me a while to realize that there is, actually, zero reason to give nonsensical names to literally every aspect of software, and also pretty dumb to try to shoehorn everything through a tiny functional core (“Nock”) while slowly re-learning all the lessons of 50 years of compiler development. So why use it at all?
Using urbit over a normal Linux stack comes purely with downsides. Slow, buggy, obscurantist, and so on. This means whoever actually dedicates their precious time to developing this unconditionally buys into the ideology. I never thought an ideology could be so powerful that it could corrupt the minds of my people (software monkeys).
Urbit is a truly fascistHHnating phenomenon.