Just an example of the data involved in a brain-computer interface.
#Mac / #iOS #developer since #NeXTSTEP 2.x, currently taking care of a parent and cultivating an epic resume gap.
Also interested in #electronics, #3dprinting, and #machining.
Just an example of the data involved in a brain-computer interface.
The multi-electrode systems at the lab I worked in 2009 used a fiber connection to the host PC and generated terabytes of data, for just 128 or 92 electrodes (I forget) at not-all-that-many samples per second.
A lab I worked in (as an IT guy) used them for data collection, studying visual attention in monkeys.
Not a happy place for the monkeys although I’m confident the scientists did their best to not make it any worse than it had to be.
Cryonics is a grift, nobody is going to be cured of death by future Dr Jesus.
This post is the worst Burma Shave roadside ad ever.
I’m sure deciding who to seat next to whom at dinner for optimal conversation must have been exciting.
Might have got him some large cash donations.
@TheIvoryTower @YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM
The thing is they’re not fleeing “America” as it is now. They’re setting up a bolt hole for the apocalypse.
They’re going to end up cheating and using AI to summarize rat verbiage instead of reading it. And THAT is what will piss off the future AI god.