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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • What do you think modern spirituality is? Philosophically, stoicism and buddhism have all the answers I need.

    I’ve found a big part of the spirituality community is guru-type guys trying to spirituality their way into young girls pants and a bunch of women burned by said guru-guys. Eg, confest creeps, anyone ever met a guy who goes by Quoll?

    I have ZERO time for reiki, tarot, psychics or anything to do with crystal energy. I think it’s nonsense and avoid getting to know “believers”. I’m not interested in debate with someone so off the deep end of reality, I feel they’re akin to flat-earthers.

    These days the whole eat healthy food --> crunchy parents --> right-wing nutjob pathway seems very prevalent. Many of my loose bush doof friends have started talking about satanists taking over and the need to protect ourselves from the government. One mate called the whole Trump trail a false flag because Trump was going to reveal the truth about “how it all works”. The anti-government / right-wing view come thick and strong.

    I’ve grown up Buddhist but have left the community. I’m fine handling my relationship with the universe on my own terms. There’s no shortage of self-directed study material. I have zero belief in an afterlife.