He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java

  • 18 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Not necessarily, and anger can lead you down the path of way worse things, like reactionary politics, or cheering the downfall of your comrades because they said a word or did a thing 10-15 years ago they shouldn’t have, and if they’re a content creator you think they will be replaced with someone from a way more marginalized background while being more productive.

  • Nah, they’re just special little snowflakes that want to maintain their niche community being a niche community, and want everything to stay the same. First time I saw this behavior were metal elitists being angry at nu metal, and at Dream Theater every time when they haven’t released an album titled “Metropolis Part III”.

    I also seen Linux elitists getting scared at “normies” taking away their “command line scripts”, some even tried FreeBSD and OpenBSD for a while. I regularly meet Linux elitists not understanding that I want a UI for my debuggers, not an automated script.

    A lot of other communities, such as gaming, amine, and VTubers suffer from way more extreme forms of elitism, usually as a form of recruitment tactic for the far-right.

  • I’m a disabled person, who voted Fidesz in 2010, and my face got eaten by the leopards. Due to the nature of my disability, I won’t receive any help, I’m barred from driving cars thus barred from many local jobs. Those who can are re-examined every few years, and even amputees are body-searched sometimes for “tied-up limbs”, and are preferred to instead seek some job which is specifically made for the disabled, which thanks to local version of ableism, is largely something specialized for the intellectually disabled, and the job descriptions often read like they were lifted from those godawful ableist jokes.

  • Yeah, but a lot of conservatives, and by extension fascists, are extremely hypocritical on the surface, except they like to use “hypocrisy” as a tool against their opponents, and by “hypocrisy”, I mean not following the strawman version of your ideology. I personally call this as “rulebending”, they’re manipulating their opponents rules to be even higher and thus choking them with it.

    On a deeper level they just want a lot of power, which includes them being above the law, as long as they’re loyal to the dictator/king. If project 2025 succeeds, expect one of them getting caught on live with real CP, maybe even raping a child, then will just go “so what? I can do this, you are not allowed to!”.