Brother laser. Mine has been working for years without issue. No BS.
Brother laser. Mine has been working for years without issue. No BS.
My wife approves.
Safety. I like the locked down ecosystem.
I carry a thin fabric zippered wallet in a front pocket along with my keys.
I have a set of keys for each car. Each set has a tracker and house key.
And a phone in the opposite front pocket.
And an Apple Watch.
That’s it. That’s all I carry. And nothing goes in a back pocket to sit awkwardly on.
We like the big UK brands like Yorkshire (the British know tea), but of the main US brands, usually grab Bigelo. But any tea drinker has a cabinet full of all kinds of tea.
One of the scientific calculators has great business functions in a menu (ti83 maybe?). I prefered it to actual business calculators. And it could handle the science classes as well.
I don’t remember the exact model, though. Once out of school we use excel.
We taught our daughter to count starting at zero. Her kindergarten teacher was not amused.
A series, but The Expanse is hauntingly beautiful.