• 1 Post
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024


  • This reads a lot like bothsidesism. And frankly it’s utter horse shit. And the clowns in Notvoting need to open a history book and try and find a single moment in history where NOT voting in an election created positive change.

    I’ll save you some time:

    Not once has it happened. If you don’t vote- you don’t get to influence any part of any change you’d like to see, but others do. And if you don’t vote, you have no control over what changes. It probably fits without saying, but maybe let everyone over there know that the election is going to happen with or without their influence.

    So folding your arms and pouting is going to do nothing at all- and it’s going to say nothing at all- to no one that cares or is even willing you pay attention.

    All you’re doing is removing the power you have to ever see the changes you want.


    and they deserve to face the consequences…

    So you’re openly admitting that you’re withholding your vote- for the purpose of getting Trump elected to punish democrats?

    That makes YOU the problem here. Not voters. So go back to your echo chamber and pretend you’ve doing something good here. When Trump takes over, it’s going to be very interesting to see how you spin this into being the fault of the voters.

  • So you think trade agreements that go back decades and overcoming partisan congressional policy is simple?

    Why aren’t you doing it then, bud?

    Because from where I see things, just simply saying:

    “I don’t like when he cOmMiTs a gEnOciDe!”

    isn’t doing shit to stop it- and is only hurting the chances anyone has to not make it exponentially worse when Donald “let’s finish the job” Trump takes over.

    Because you see, although you seem to get upset when I call people propagandists, it’s not a huge leap to make when you’ve asked these people time and time again how they can justify urging people not to vote knowing it’ll be so much worse if Trump wins. How about I start calling them “bigots” because they will knowingly be causing our LGBTQ+ friends and family to suffer by allowing a Trump victory to happen. Or what about I call them “misogynists” for allowing Trump to win and run roughshod over women’s rights?

    Considering the matter at hand, I think propagandist is a nice and relevant catch-all to describe those that are urging people not to vote against Trump.

    Oh also, most of these people have no suggestions for who they’d have take Biden’s place that has any chance of winning the White House, but they seem to k ow Biden is not the guy. Again, from where I stand- if you’re not offering a solution to your suggestion, it’s not a valid suggestion. Someone gets elected regardless if you vote or not.

    So if it’s okay with you, I’m going to call out the propaganda when I see it- as I see it without your permission.
