It varies. I didn’t get the phrase parroted at me until in college, when the professor was making fun of the phrase. I bet it was some slide that was created by a teaching board or textbook maker, and just copied ad nauseam.
Yes, I downvote youtube links.
It varies. I didn’t get the phrase parroted at me until in college, when the professor was making fun of the phrase. I bet it was some slide that was created by a teaching board or textbook maker, and just copied ad nauseam.
It was more like, “Hey, two people said they aren’t going to come, so Y is bringing his friend X to fill in at least one spot.”
Last group I joined had ‘interviews’ and it still didn’t keep that one guy out… because an exception was made for a friend. One friend, and the whole group fell apart about a year in when he started doing racist caricatures. It’s downright infuriating how common it is that just one exception does it in.
You know what the worst part of that is? The sellers make bank from the idiots buying. I met two people the other day who left their jobs as aerospace engineers because selling the online supplements increased their income by 6-7 times.
It’s not just whether tap water is potable, it’s also about availability. My job gives us water in bottles because we’re mobile for 12 hours at a time, and nowhere near accessible water pipes. I guess I’m fucked.
Great, now I’m on another list, but it’s not a cool one like “Most dangerous average person list.”
It’s more like, "People who cracked up watching a trump analogue wear a bronzed putin-bull’s testicles.’
I call them circle spawners. The enemies spawn in a rough circle around you and close in. I think you can modify that with other terms depending on the specifics of what the game adds in.
I think most of us do know, and that’s one reason why it’s being poo-pooed.
Squid. They’re much more social than octopodes. I for one welcome our new TEN tentacled overlords. Everyone knows ten tentacles is better than eight.
If there’s a jesus with powers in the first place, he could do the holy spirit thing that happened after his death where the apostles proselytized by speaking in languages they (previously) couldn’t to people who couldn’t understand the native tongue.
Sailboat, Caribbean, and all the food and sunsets in between as long as I can make it last. Maybe I’ll end it by heading straight at a hurricane, or maybe I’ll just try my luck at getting to Europe. It would be amazing to get to Gibraltar under sail from the Caribbean.
I mean, ATP would be more like the batteries, yeah. The mitochondria would be the whole power plant, and the little spinny generators would be the big spinny generators.