Webdeveloper from Germany, nerd, gamer, atheist, interested in nerd-culture, biology of everything creepy, evolution, history, physics, politics and space.

Progressive. Ally. SocDem. Euro-Federalist.

Political Compass: -7.0, -6.62

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • This is it.

    People keep insisting that the populace would win a war of populace against state… maybe it would, I don’t know and it’s not the problem.

    The problem is a war of half the populace against the state and the other half of the populace. Fascism is carried into power by popular demand, it’s not like one day they just appear on the levers of power and have to put up with a revolting population. They will have been put there by the population, and it will be the better armed half of the population.

  • Enkrod@feddit.deto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneTOPPED RULE
    18 days ago

    Nyeah… partly.

    If that were entirely true, a “power bottom” would make no sense.

    The terms sexual usage originated in gay circles where it only delineates who penetrates and who gets penetrated. Traditional views on sex ascribe a submissive or passive role to the bottom and an active or dominating role to the top, but you can totally have a power bottom who takes control and an active role in the intercourse but is the one getting penetrated.

  • No, but the reason for it is one of safety, not morality:

    Every bacteria, virus, fungus or other germ that can contaminate that lab and that meat is already adapted to hurt me, there is no species barrier. Nature generally abhors cannibalism because of this.

    Now if you grow it in a lab, that might not be too much of a risk, but once you enter capitalist industrial production there are numerous incentives to cut corners and increase the risk of contamination.

    Contamination also exists in factory farming, but at least there, there’s a species barrier and the impact of that cannot be overstated.

    Alternatively, you’ll create a swamp of human meat factory farms that use huge amounts of antiviral, antifungal and antibiotic agents and just get soooooo much more effective in training multi-resistant germs, already adapted to human tissue.

  • Russia, over Ukraine, hand on their throat, continually punching a country that desperately tries to defend itself, red faced with rage shouting at the people standing around the fight and trying to help Ukraine from the sidelines:


  • Enkrod@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich_iel
    21 days ago

    Super Rezept, für diejenigen wie mich, die normales Suppengemüse oder Soffritto nicht essen können weil sie Möhren zwar lieben aber absolut nicht vertragen: Petersilienwurzel geht manchmal und ansonsten empfehle ich die Holy Trinity der Cajun-Küche: Gemüsepaprika, Zwiebeln und Staudensellerie. Wenn ihr das vorher schön anröstet gibt das auch eine super Grundlage

  • Oh Ukraine absolutely should be allowed to join NATO asap!

    But the failure of many EU states to defend the rights of their citizens doesn’t mean we should let more people opposed to those rights join the Union. I firmly believe that the EU should be the shining beacon on the hill. That we come together to defend our rights, ensure peace and seek cooperation across the continent, but always, always in the pursuit of the lofty ideals of humanism, the enlightenment and social justice.

    I am fighting the right at home, I have no intend to supply them with reinforcements.

  • In 1919, Benito Mussolini united various groups in the then Kingdom of Italy to form the Fasci di combattimento. During the Biennio rosso (1919-1921), the Black Shirts used targeted terror against striking industrial workers, the Partito Socialista Italiano (PSI) and all opposition. As a result, local and regional anti-fascist groups as well as vigilante groups emerged from 1920 onwards, encompassing the entire political spectrum, from Catholics and liberals to socialists and anarchists.

    Emphasis by me

    In 1921, Mussolini transformed his militia movement into the National Fascist Party. The first armed anti-fascist organization came into being in 1921 with the Arditi del Popolo. It was open to anarchists, communists, social democrats, Christians and bourgeois republicans. However, the leadership of the PSI and the Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI) rejected the League. It remained limited to a few thousand members and a few cities.[3] This was the first organization with an explicitly anti-fascist self-image. Its supporters referred to themselves as antifascisti[4].

    Emphasis by me

    Arditi del Popolo

    It grouped revolutionary trade-unionists, socialists, communists, anarchists, republicans, anti-capitalists, as well as some former military officers

    Composed of Italian anarchists, socialists, and communists, the Arditi del Popolo were not supported by leftist parties (neither by the Italian Socialist Party, PSI, nor by the Communist Party of Italy, PCd’I).

    Furthermore, the PCd’I ordered its members to quit the organization because of the presence of non-communists in its ranks.[8] The PCd’I organized by themselves some militant groups (the Squadre comuniste d’azione), but their actions were relatively minor and the party kept a non-violent, legalist strategy.

    The Antifaschistische Aktion grew in the soil of the SPD and KPD in Nazi Germany (which themselves where not autoritarians or tankies at the time), but it’s roots are older, decidedly anti-authoritarian and open to the entire political spectrum that wanted to fight fascism.

    Edit: Antifascism is represented by a red and a black flag. How you could ever think is has anything to do with the authoritarian left when it’s roots are so extremely anarchist is beyond me.

  • Was ist denn mit der furchtbaren Wirtschaftspolitik der AfD? Der schrecklichen Außenpolitik? Der Spionage und der Propagandamühle für Russland? Der Europa-Feindlichkeit? Was ist mit der total verfehlten Verkehrspolitik? Mit der Einstellung der AfD zur Ungleichverteilung? Zu einer ausbeuterischen Arbeitspolitik die den Raubtierkapitalismus als Traumziel ausweist? Zu einer Kriminal-, Rechts- und Drogenpolitik die uns in die dunkle Zeit der 50er Jahre zurück führen will?

    Ist ja nicht so dass die nur in wenigen Feldern Arschlöcher wären, die sind obendrein in allen Feldern gefährlich unfähig, verschwörungsbesessen, nationalistisch und hyperkapitalistisch.