• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • This is a perfect comment.

    I can’t speak for others but I probably borderline obsessively have to get all the info possible because I fear making the “obvious” wrong decision.

    I’m somewhat relieved but also saddened that there’s this many of these kind of posts. I have been feeling like it’s a similar feeling to when I realized I was trans, and when I finally was able to accept it.

    I appreciate your blunt honesty. 💜 I needed it. I think that’s where I am. As far as I know to go, looking for confirmation before I jump.

  • It’s all relative. You don’t have to compare your issues with anyone else’s or else there’d only be one person who had it worst that would be allowed to feel bad. Sometimes it’s because of internal struggles that make things difficult and you don’t realize til later. I only relatively recent realized I had been depressed a good chunk of my life, and likely due to having undiagnosed adhd literally making everything feel harder for me.