I’m having a shit start to my week already. It feels like no one cares and whenever I try to reach out I’m just put off. Tried to talk to my teacher but he just reccommended me to my counselor, who is out of office. Tried to talk to a hotline but my text wouldn’t go through because my signal was shit. Tried to make a forum on reddit but post gets taken down.
Whenever I feel like this I just hole myself up in the bathroom. In 6th grade I would go to the bathroom in Spanish class to just cry, but it got to the point where the girls would make fun of me for using it often so I stopped going in that class.
Sorry for venting. The question is do you guys have a safe spot you hide in when you feel down? And if so where? Because bathrooms aren’t good for me
Have you tried a physical outlet for these emotions? Hit the gym, or put on some headphones and go for a long run. Running can be very meditative and you can do it pretty much anywhere.
Anywhere my pets are. Without my dog I would to have made it through college. The off leash dog park was our stress free zone.
Sorry things feel overwhelming right now. Especially when you’re doing the right thing, reaching out. You got this.
You make think that you are in the safe spot, but the safe spot is in you. Be at peace with yourself, and the only then can you be at peace with all that is around you.
I have a closet in my home office. On the floor of it is a sleeping mat and soft blanket as the base, and I have a weighted blanket on top. When I start getting overwhelmed (or just need a quick mid-day nap) I’ll go in there, close the door, and lie down for a bit. It’s isolated and quiet.
When my cat hears that door open she will rush to be included, and will cuddle with me.
I’d give a separate extra upvote for the cat participating, if I could!
No. Once I went in the forest near my home when I was on the brick of failing my year of study in college (a big deal where I’m from it would set me back a year of life basically and in my circle would have been very hard especially to my parents).
As I grew older, for light stuff I’d gravitate toward videogames and for heavier stuff I’d just be stuck in bed doomscrolling.
Minecraft works for me. It’s been a Minecraft week.
Honestly, I still use the restroom.
I have a couple pear trees in my back yard that I planted for my son when we was a baby. When my wife and I had a miscarriage on our 2nd and 3rd try we burried what we could with the pear trees, when out best cat died we burried him there, when my lizard that I’ve had for 12 years and went through hell with me died we burried her there, when my grandma died I burried some of her trinkets there.
I don’t mow much back there and let the grass grow, just keeping the base of the trees clean. Sometimes I like to go sit in that overgrown grass under the trees. It feels safe and comforting, the bugs keep me company, one time I had a garden snake sliver over my shoes and just sit there for a while.
Hey there, my personal sanctuary is long decadent bubble baths as a way to just focus on myself. But if bathrooms aren’t safe for you, then maybe head to your local library? Most tend to have study rooms you can reserve if you just want some solitude.
Sending you warm helping vibes my friend! ♥ 💕
I’m also bipolar. Therapy is the best solution. Medicine if you need it. No shame with either one, just own it. My brain chemistry is a little bit different and that’s ok. Same for you. Good luck!
I put on music, preferably with full coverage noise canceling headphones to block as much outside stimulus as I can. Depending on the mood, I might put on something soothing (listening to Sean Townsend on YouTube right now) or I might go with metal.
If you are in US K-12 education and have a diagnosed condition (depression, anxiety, autism, etc.), you can have your parents request a 504 plan with the school. This requires the school to make reasonable accommodations for someone with a disability or illness that makes it difficult to be successful otherwise. When my daughter was suffering with anxiety and panic attacks, we worked with the administrators to setup safe places where she could go to calm down. The teachers were required to let her go any time she needed a break from the classroom.
My single-player Minecraft skyblock world. Nothing exists there except what I permit.
Sometimes I wish it was available at work.
Outside of home, no. At home? Just my room where I can relax and snuggle with my stuffed animals on my bed.
I used to spend hours as a teenager underneath my bed or in crawlspaces listening to music and audio books. Do recommend, it got me through. Hang in there, my friend. It really and truly does get better once you have more control over who you spend time around. Until then, take care of yourself as gently as you can. Try to give yourself small kindnesses. You matter a lot.