I am shocked. Shocked! /s

  • Communist@lemmy.frozeninferno.xyz
    4 hours ago

    anarcho-communist utopia in which personal belongings are a distant memory and vigilante justice reigns supreme

    Literally nobody, not even anarchocommunists, like me, want personal belongings to not be a thing. Marxism 101 includes a section on personal vs private property, the notion of wanting to abolish private property is not with the modern understanding of private property, marx made the clear distinction between private and personal property, and it’s quite simple, personal property is stuff that you own, private property is stuff that generates capital.

    I don’t get why people keep thinking anyone would believe something this stupid, like do you actually think we’re going to take your toothbrushes?

    but that “utopia” is something I will fight tooth and nail against

    You clearly don’t even know what you’re fighting against. That’s probably why you get made fun of in socialist circles. Read theory, all you have is a clear strawman and whining that people make fun of you.

    I’m a devout Catholic, I think being gay is sinful, and I voted for Trump. Maybe then they’ll stop calling me a Nazi.

    This is you proving the point made by the comic.

    • AVincentInSpace@pawb.social
      3 hours ago

      Do you actually think we’re going to take your toothbrushes?

      Not in the sense that they’ll all be confiscated, but in the sense that multiple anarcho-communists have told me that under their utopia, theft will not be a crime. Obviously, if someone stole something, they must have needed it more than you. They’ve also told me that under anarcho-communism, there will be no state, thus no laws, thus no justice system. If you are wronged, your only recourse is vigilantism – a point I can’t help but notice you quoted but conveniently glossed over. Almost like you’re trying to make a strawman or something. But I digress. Vigilantism doesn’t work (I’d be happy to explain why if you have trouble with that as well) and I’m still waiting to hear a single anarcho-communist propose an alternative.

      This is you proving the point made in the comic.

      That is you proving you did not read any part of my comment except the last two sentences. Does leftism only count if I do it in public? Does saying I voted for Trump to get people whose definition of conservative is “anyone right of Ursula K. LeGuin” to stop treating me like a soul who needs saving make me a bigot despite my actions to the contrary?