Also, “identical” has a different meaning here.
There’s a special place in hell for the monster who dreamed up this captcha!
If you attempt to answer this rather than refresh for an easier one, the captcha assumes you are a computer and blocks your IP
rather than refresh for an easier one
That was one of the easy ones! They got more abstract and further from identical as you went on.
And the bastards set it up so they make you think you’re solving 5 of these… then when you do the fifth one, they make you do 10… etc… infuriating.
I used to hate this when i used to play roblox they used to push this captcha
Someone with water spray bottle should have been in the dystopian design meeting that came up with this horror.
“No! Bad! No!”
Yeah, the person who thought this up should be forced to do it for 24 hours straight, with only 10 seconds for each guess, and for every one he gets wrong, five minutes gets added to his time.
Anytime a website throws this nonsense at me, I immediately go elsewhere.
Yeah Google doesn’t think I know what a traffic light is… or a motorcycle
This image isn’t reCAPTCHA, but since it’s still relevant, here you go:
The thing is, there will come a day when only bots will be able to get these right. The only way into a site will be to answer incorrectly, to prove you’re human.
“Prove that you’re inferior.”
“I…what?..What even IS this puzzle? There’s a glowstick, and a porcupine, a pez dispenser in the shape of ray romano, and the board game battleship? I don’t get it…I don’t even get whats being asked…”
“…I still don’t get it.”
“Buddy, we know your human. Stop proving your inferiority.”
“Now you’re just showing off…”
The system is broken
I see a future where you will need to have a philosophical argument together with a blood test to logon to the internet.
That’s the bullshit I had to go through when I forgot my password on Twitter And had to reset it.
That’s not too bad. At least that’s not something you do on a daily basis… It isn’t, right?!
Yeah, captchas have gotten worse recently. I had one asking me to choose the “the largest animal” and it had an example picture of what was meant to be a lion. There was a rhino in one of the other pics.
It wanted me to click on lions, but then gave me something larger than a lion.
And the frog is scaled to look bigger so you don’t know what they mean either.
Most infuriating things I’ve encountered in gatekeeping.
I failed.
Rockstar uses these, but 30 of them, and each one asks for undivided attention. Count all visible sides of the dice, showing 6 different pictures of dice and then you have to choose 1 that matches the shown number. 30 times. Fuck that. I haven’t been able to play GTA5 since.
I literally ragequit that captcha. Mine was showing floor plans and grainy “pictures” of a room asking me to pick which floor plan matched the picture from that perspective. I swear to you, none of them actually matched, progress reset constantly because I’d invariably pick the wrong one. It provoked such a primal rage in me, it felt like I was being gaslit into believing I was wrong when actually that captcha was cursed to hell and back. Thankfully my very patient partner managed to get through them for me and I only had to do it once to get the launcher to recognise my new pc.
Concidentally, I only saw these captchas from hell on sites that also have their own apps. I suspect they’re trying to force you to use the app instead of the browser (while also training AIs of course).
What service?
To register a new account?
If so that’s costing Kim Jong hours!
What is it you have to use so badly you put up with this bullshit!? Haven’t they already proven that in 2024 bots can solve the CAPTCHAS better than humans can??
I signed up to LinkedIn to get in touch with someone. Deleting the account the moment I get a reply. They couldn’t pay me to put up with this nonsense. 😂
Yes GPT4o was able to solve this. I didn’t.
Just ask chatGPT, it can solve capchas faster than a person. Set up a script and boom, no more capchas issues.