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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Yeah, my wife’s family lives up in the northern US. We live in the south. The first time they came to visit, her uncle was stoked to see a mockingbird. It was funny to me, because they’re practically everywhere in the south.

    He was less stoked when he got attacked by said mockingbird, because it was nesting season and he was too close to the nest.

  • Personally, I’m fine with a working lunch, as long as I stay clocked in. Because it means I either pick up OT at the end of the day, or I get to leave early. But this only works because I have a fairly flexible schedule, set my own meetings, etc… And I certainly wouldn’t try to enforce it on my coworkers, because they may want to be able to walk away and disconnect for a while.

    Meal time is time for whatever you want to do; If you want to stay at your desk and play catch-up on some emails, then great. If you want to walk away and de-stress for an hour, then great. Neither one should be the expectation, because the time should be at the employee’s discretion, not the employer’s.

  • The decision reaffirms that the President can be held accountable for actions outside the scope of their official duties.

    But notably, it does shield them from prosecution for crimes which are tangentially related to their official duties. For example, granting a presidential pardon is an official duty. Taking a bribe in exchange for that pardon would be a crime. But now the president is allowed to openly and blatantly take that bribe, because the bribe is tangential to their official duty, and they are therefore shielded from prosecution.

    It does not grant blanket immunity for all actions or allow the President to act as a dictator.

    Many experts disagree with the second half of your sentence, because ordering an assassination could easily be argued to be an official duty; After all, the POTUS is the commander in chief of the military. According to this ruling, ordering it illegally would be protected, because the illegality is tied to the official duty.

  • Just an FYI, it’s best practice to actually type out the words the first time, then initialize them afterwards. If you never type them out, many people will have no idea what you’re talking about.

    It just reads like every military dudebro’s deployment story.
    “Ah yeah we had to FTP the RBO to the HEP, but before we could do that the ASO had to POI the BBU. And of course, that means we had to help the ASO set up their LKI before they could start the POI. All while EMGs were bearing down on us with their TGT-30’s. But once we got the LKI set up and the ASO was able to POI, the BBU went pretty quickly. So we got the RBO FTP’ed to the HEP in record time, and were back at the FOB by EOD.

  • Yup. AI should be used to automate all of the mundane day-to-day BS, leaving us free to practice art, or poetry, or literature, or study, or just do leisure activities. Because all of the mundane BS is automated, so we don’t need to worry about things like income or where our next meal comes from. But instead, we went down the dystopian capitalist timeline, where we’re automating all of the art so artists are forced to get mundane day-to-day BS jobs.

  • I did something similar when my friend moved to another continent. I shipped her a care package (with some stuff she had left behind,) and every single side of the box had some sort of “there’s definitely no SEX TOYS inside of this box” label on it.

    When I took it to the post office, the worker laughed and even made sure to avoid covering any of them with the shipping label.