Is a very broad question I know. But I realized that aside the things that liked as a kid (videogames and listening music) I gave up on everything else or failed in other things. I gave up on going to the gym, gave up trying to learn how to play a guitar, i gave up on having a YouTube channel, if I fail the theory exam of my driving licence I think I won’t try again, shit I gave up on having a social life… And so on. Is that normal in your opinion?

    24 days ago

    Is that normal in your opinion?

    Imho, a better question to ask yourself would be to consider why you’re giving up quickly?

    If you give up because you realize you can’t be bothered with whatever that activity is, fine. I tried a few things I realized had little value to me. No big deal.

    If it’s because you don’t want to make the effort of learning to do it properly and/or because you can’t accept that, as beginner at it, your not already good and get not success. Then, it’s probably not a great decision.

    I see two things our society as a whole (even more so when it is lived through social media lenses) tend to discourage younger people to reflect upon:

    1. Not being good at something new is normal.
      It is to be expected from most beginners. That’s why as adults we’re supposed to teach ourselves (so we learn and get better at that thing), and that’s why, as little kids, we are being taught by adults. And that learning takes time and practice. A lot of both.
    2. Failing at something new is to expected too.
      Failing is how we learn. Remember how you learned to walk as a toddler? Was it by being good at walking? Or was it by falling on your diapered bum many, many times over and over again like a clumsy toddler? At least, that’s how I learned ;)

    That’s also how we learn to read and to write. By doing mistakes. Not by picking up our first pen and writing the next best-seller.

    So, to get back to your question, if you give up on something because you would want to be good at it instantly, you’re probably missing out on something.