This person is a ben shapiro jordan peterson loving groyper, who claims all problems with the west are due to some cultural degredation (???).

He once claimed the only way to “assimilate” black people was to police them more… So i desperately tried to explain why black people commit more crimes, not due to some abstract cultural difference between white people and black people, but because they live in absolute poverty, desolation, and often literally have no other choice.

I really tried to convince him that this is false, pointing out how western countries couped and invaded countries, and that that is diametrically opposed to our supposed “white”, christian culture. He would follow up with the claim that we were just spreading democracy… i would respond to him with the fact that nearly all the regimes that were put into power were fascistic and autocratic. He would then respond to that with “we tried to force democracy onto them, they weren’t ready”.

There’s still hope for this gremlin though, because i got him to watch Parenti in exchange for me reading Jordan Peterson shit. Maybe parenti will bring this goblin into the light. After all, crazier things have happened

    23 days ago

    So i desperately tried to explain why black people commit more crimes

    I’m almost black people commit crime at relatively the same rate as other racial groups.

    not due to some abstract cultural difference between white people and black people, but because they live in absolute poverty, desolation, and often literally have no other choice.

    This only loosely explains why black people are more likely to be charged with certain types of crime.

    The reason black people make up a larger percentage of the US prison population and are more likely to be charged with crimes in the first place is because police target black people. This is a systemic and ubiquitous phenomenon in police departments. Many factors contribute to more convictions for black people, but next time you might want to lean into how black neighborhoods and towns are over-policed.

      23 days ago

      Precisely - same/similar percentage of crimes committed across the race of people, but 4x the incarceration rate of blacks compared to whites because police target them.

      In terms of raw number of crimes, whites commit far greater numbers (because there are more white people in the population). If the system were fair and just, you’d see that reflected in the incarceration rate. Since it’s far biased to the opposite, this instead confirms institutionalized racism is alive and well in America.

    • AOCapitulator [they/them]
      23 days ago

      Also most laws exist in a way so you’re always breaking at least one if a cop wanted to be a prick, or enforce racial violence on minorities, for example

  • D61 [any]
    23 days ago

    …police them more …black people commit more crime

    Not so much they “commit more crime” but there is somebody around who’s job it is to find a way to charge somebody for any type of “crime.”

    Refuse to talk to a police officer when you’re not doing anything wrong? That’s a crime. Walking down the street in your own neighborhood without a photo ID? If a cop asks you to produce an ID and you refuse (because you don’t have it on you)… that’s a crime! Music loud? CRIME! Large group of people having a good time in the front yard? TURBO CRIME! Messy lawn? Grass to tall? CALL IN THE SWAT TEAM THERE’S JUST TOO MUCH CRIME!

    When somebody is always watching you and their sole job is to be the arbiter of what is and what isn’t “crime” the longer they watch you the more “crime” you will be found engaging in.

      23 days ago

      I can attest that I’ve committed plenty of minor crimes (mostly moving violations like speeding) but the lack of melanin in my skin meant that instead of leaving in cuffs, or even a very expensive ticket, I was able to suck up a bit and got let off with a warning almost every time. I can guarantee at least a handful of those times would have ended differently if my skin wasn’t super white.