Not exactly my school but it happened to my whole city, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, the Ken and Barbie serial killers,were abducting, raping and murdering teen girls. I was roughly that age, and it could have happened to any girl in the city.
I went to the funeral of one of the victims. It was surreal.
- The “week of fights” as it was later called, where we went on soft lockdown four days in a row due to community violence. First time was because a guy with a crowbar was trying to break the front door windows of the school to get in. His brother or something was going to fight someone and I guess he wanted to be there to help. The other times were also due to fights involving members of two families if I recall correctly, it was really weird.
- One student threw a textbook of another student on the roof of the school, who just so happened to be affiliated with some gang. He and his brother beat him up outside my bus, where a well-placed punch sprayed blood on my window.
- Star basketball player decided it would be a good idea to commit armed robbery the day before graduation.
- A twitter account was created that would post the name of a senior girl and their “rank” in terms of “hotness” a few times a day. No one could figure out who was behind the account, although I think there was a shortlist of potentials.
- Another twitter account was created that looked like the school district’s official twitter page, which posted that school was canceled due to snow. Well about half the kids believed it and didn’t show up, so the school was a total ghost town that day, and none of the teachers did any real teaching since most of them had so few students
A mom broke up with her boyfriend. He returned later and killed her 3 kids, then her, then himself. The oldest son was in my class.
I wasn’t great friends with him, but I knew him well enough to feel bad about it. So many people who hated him pretended to be sad for attention.
Some guy peed in a handdryer. Which is weird but even weirder was that the principal did a 15 min sprach about how the perpetrator has mental problems and needs to seek help. It was really funny.
Yes Prep Southeast campus (charter school does 6th - 12th grade).
The school decided to experiment with separating the boys and the girls in 6th grade.
The result was the 6th grade boys started a secret fight club with money involved in the restrooms, and some high schoolers were managing it. It was found out after a boy’s head broke a sink.
The girls got very slightly better grades though.
Other than that, the usual also happened; corruption, fraud, teachers doing pedophilia and ephebofilia, etc.
The usual?? 🤨
One of my classmates did the Hitler salute and exclaimed “Heil Hitler” - an expression which is (rightfully) penalized in Germany, where I live.
The guy was a son of our local police officer.
He didn’t got expelled, but he had a very stern talk with our school director. I presume that it was made clear to him that if this ever happens again, he’s out. From what I heard last, in the last few years he was really ashamed of what he did when he was younger. I sincerely hope he is doing okay now - he got into the police, and people like him who recognize that being right isn’t cool are needed.
Coincidentally my school is in Dessau; our city is well-known for producing Zyklon B, a lethal gas used in KZs across Germany, and a “case of sudden self-igniting” of a migrant called Oury Jalloh in a police cell. Obviously all the camera footage of that cell randomly broke down, there was blood found in the dining room and the guy didn’t have anything to lit himself on fire with. But that all obviously is just a coincidence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not a good city to do the Hitlers salute in (if there ever was any, which - surprise - doesn’t), tbh.
I think there’s one city where a Hitler salute would be “good”: Atlantis.
- Hitler himself fetishized the myth
- Whoever did the salute would drown and disappear.
A boy got ran over and killed while biking home by a senior who was texting and driving on their way home. It happened less than a mile away from the highschool
A couple of students blew up a cinder block wall. A hole large enough to drive an old style mini through.
The wall divided up two tennis courts and rubble was scattered to every corner of those courts.
This happened at lunch time, when those courts were packed with students.
Someone should have been killed, but not one injury, not one…
Filled the wall with aerosols through a small hole, then ignited it.
Ok so, how did they do that?
If it was anything like Doom developer John Carmack back when he was 8, maybe thermite or something similar.
Filled the wall with aerosols through a small hole, then ignited it.
So, once I saw the beginning of a fight. Which was stopped after like a minute by the guard ladies.
Yeah, my school was tame as hell.
Probably not “the incident” anymore, since it was almost 30 years ago now and no one left there likely remembers.
But a couple of years after I graduated, one of the kids who was a couple of grades behind me sneaked into the school at night, lit a bunch of candles on the floor of the chemistry lab and turned on all the gas taps and put towels under the doors so that the room would fill with gas starting from the top to the bottom. (I guess his chemistry class came in handy since he was smart enough to know that gases float to the top, giving him time to escape.
He went to Juvie for a while I believe, and then ended up living a pretty normal life. Last I heard he had been one of the people listed for the doomed-to-never-actually-happen “100 settlers on a one way trip to Mars” project. Haven’t heard anything about him lately since I long ago deleted Facebook and so have no real contact with the people I went to highschool with anymore (just like the old days and I love it)
edited - Sorry, thought he was short-listed. But he was cut before the short-list was announced. Edited to change.
Did he blow up the lab
Took out the entire quarter section of the school, if I remember correctly. Though “explosion” isn’t technically correct since it was the fire that did the damage. The lab was never going to be sealed tight no matter how many towels he used, so the gas was never under the types of pressure necessary to cause an explosion; just a fireball that ignited everything around it.
Not my school, but one nearby. It smelled like gas in chemistry class and some idiot student thought it would be a good joke to flick a lighter. There actually was a gas leak and he set it on fire, injuring himself and a bunch of classmates. I don’t remember if anyone died.
I’m not sure how much of a scandal it was outside of those directly affect, but I was in the circle. A group of us, led by one of the younger drama teachers, went to the Edinburg Fringe Festival (a big literary, drama and comedy festival) with a bunch of short comic plays by Checkov (yes, really!). he was attractive enough that he had to make sure not to be alone in a room with a female student in case of rumours, but he was decent and would never had done anything like that. He got his wife and his brother involved too, which was cool, we all got on really well. We had a lot of fun, it was great, and, amazingly for the first time at the Fringe, didn’t actually lose money! (I think we made like fifty quid between twelve of us, so we didn’t exactly make a profit either, but it was an amazing experience)
Then his brother and his wife had an affair and ran away together
I love the fringe. Shame for him, he seems like a good guy and he didn’t deserve that.
A day before I got in a guy set fire to the trash in the chapel. So I befriended him immediately!
Kids step dad found an unfired mortar while working on base. Kid brought it to school and dropped it in the band room. Thankfully no one died, but there was still a shrapnel ring in the room when i graduated a few years later.
That was me. Girlfriend and I got pregnant when I was 15 and again at 17. Kept both and got a job. Studied hard and graduated 19th in my class with honors. Ton of negativity from school staff and loss of friends which is still hard to let go of. We did marry the fall after I graduated and after years of poverty things have slowly gotten more stable.
That’s cute!!! You did the right thing, I’m sure it was difficult and it’s very brave not chickening out of it.
Thank you; it’s been a long, hard road for sure and our kiddos are now grown and doing well. We took the lessons learned and went into foster / adoption and now have a large family which has been a huge learning experience of its own.