My city has a bunch: The spoon lady, miniature horse guy, topless fat lady, the guy that rides his Harley around pulling a trailer with a pig in it, Johnny sax, blunt man, and guitar hero are all the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I live in a weird city.
You sure no one’s dropped some uranium in the vascinity or something?
The town I grew up in has lots of things named after the that guy of yesteryear, I think, but I can’t think of any from when I was growing up there.
But San Francisco used to be almost entirely made up of that guys.
We have the world famous Bushman ( who dresses up like a bush and jumps out at tourists.
We had the Brown Twins ( who were just fabulous older women you’d see out and about.
We have 12 Galaxies sign man (
The Castro naked men which became the Castro men who wear cock socks sometimes.
And all sorts of others that aren’t popping in mind right this moment.
Crackhead Dan.
He started out as “dancing Dan” because of how often you could see him jamming out to something walking down the road, but he didn’t like the name. Somehow it changed to crackhead, and I haven’t heard his opinion on it.
He looks rather disheveled, leading many to wonder if he’s homeless or not. Nobody seems to know. I’ve never seen him panhandling, dumpster diving, or with anything other than a backpack.
He likes to support the city’s high school band though, goes to the football games and always goes to the band concession stand and leaves tips.
You could tell anyone any story about him and they’d just go “yeah that sounds about right”
Ass-man of Szeged, in Hungarian ‘Szegedi Picsaember’. He wears very-very tight jean shorts. Even during winter.
Here is an article about him:
He gives dean from community energy
My town has a disabled guy that trained his dogs to pull his wheelchair
Ahhh the naked roller blading cowboy that plays guitar…
No I’m not kidding. Bonus points if you can name the city
Portland, OR?
To far south, and a time zone over
So fucking close. Next city you’d think of after Calgary
Edmonton then.
Ding ding ding! We have a winner
Coeur d’Alene? Edit: just saw your name, I’m way off.
Nah, Portland’s guy is the unipiper!
Wonder how many dogs the poor woman has to pepper spray in a week
Her knees appear to have been installed backwards.
Sadly, this is literally the case; it’s a genetic deformity she and other people have had from birth.
Wait, how??
Yeah, this was close to my reaction when I saw her for the first time, my friends with me were just: “What !? You never saw the spider woman ?”
I have questions.
Kitten Guy.
Dude was a little strange, but otherwise a good person. He just kept taking in strays, and if he had kittens in need, they went everywhere with him. Most of them ended up at new homes, but he had a few who stuck around. Wasn’t unusual for him to be feeding two or three kittens and have two more sitting on his shoulders.
It was an extremely small town, so he stuck out like a sore thumb. They went everywhere with him. Never caused any trouble.
That’s awesome, sounds like a cool dude!
A bit strange… but yeah, if he isn’t doing any harm 🤷.
Ours was a woman, an older prostitute and meth head everyone called “Teddy Bear.” You’d see her walking everywhere in town.
Horseback Jesus was a sub on reddit that never saw much traffic. I think there’s more activity in this post than there ever was there. Fuck You Bob was the well known character in Kent Ohio. He would flip off school buses and mutter “fuck you” when you passed him on the sidewalk. Legend has it he ate an entire sheet of acid to avoid getting busted
There is a man that wears chainmail armor made out of soda can pop tabs that is famous in both Tucson and Phoenix areas of Arizona. His name is Chicago, and you can catch him on the bus or at random punk and metal shows around AZ, if you are lucky.
My favorite in my city is shirtless rollerblading guitar guy. Exactly as advertised.
@TheMightyCanuck , is this the same guy?! It has to be.
Edmonton Alberta Canada, I doubt there are more than one Canadian shirtless rollerblading guitar guys out there. Though it would be kinda amazing if there were
shrogu… can’t think of anything else ATM.