SciShow tangents (a lightly competitive science show)
Ologies (interviewing experts from different fields/ologies)
Fake Doctors, Real Friends (Scrubs actors rewatching scrubs, my favorite show when i was younger. Plus great behind the scenes of film making)
The Imp & Skizz show (just two gamers i love to watch, talking about creative stuff. Probably not as enjoyable for anyone who doesn’t watch them already though. Still love them and would love to see then succeed more!)
- Accidental Tech Podcast: Three dudes talking about tech and (mostly) Apple
- The Allusionist: podcast about language and linguistics
- The Bruenigs: Matt & Liz Bruenig talk about random stuff
- Cortex: podcast about productivity by Myke Hurley & CGP Grey
- Factually: Interviews with interesting people hosted by Adam Connover
- Hello Internet (Dead): two dudes talking, GGP Grey & Brady Haran (Numberphile)
- Intentionally Blank: Random conversations with Brandon Sanderson & Dan Wells
- No Such Thing As a Fish: Intersting and odd facts by the team behind the British TV show QI
- Puck Soup: Ice Hockey News and information
- Stuff You Should Know: Funny podcast about all kinds of stuff
- The Tennis Podcast: podcast about tennis
- Ungeniused: brief episodes about interesting Wikipedia pages
- The Unmade Podcast: mostly random stuff, but about pitching ideas for other podcasts
- Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me: the NPR News quiz
R.I.P Hello Internet, the podcast I most wish would come back. Forever in my subs just in case.
Checking out The Allusionist. Thanks. I enjoy imshawngetoffmylawn on YouTube, more language content is much appreciated!
Beautiful Anonymous Search Engine Expanded This American Life Selected Shorts The Bald and the Beautiful (all drag queen podcasts will teach you things about sex you have never imagined). Why Won’t You Date Me?
I think you could use some commas or carriage returns here- unless that’s all one podcast?
I made it as a list and this is how the text came out, damnit.
(After the last word, two spaces for a new line, two returns for a new paragraph)
Thanks very much.
I didn’t notice the username before- I’m glad to help someone so active on lemmy! Among other things, you keep us “well fed” with crazy sovereign citizen posts 😂
Aren’t they wild? They absolutely slay me.
You said “they” rather than “those personhoods” ergo victo therefore your comment is invalid henceforth the UCC 130.3-A strawman is null and void. I will be sending a notarized coupon with writing at 45 degrees in red ink, which makes it official.
(Did I do it right? 😂)
Long commute here, so quite a few.
- Conan OBrien Needs A Friend
- Behind the Bastards
- Smartless
- Last Podcast on the Left
- QAA (formerly QAnonAnonymous)
- Ridiculous History
- Sinisterhood
- Crime Junkie
- Dateline
I prefer single voice, storytelling podcasts. I listen to them as bedtime stories a lot.
- Lore (the older episodes are better, IMO)
- Myths & Legends (snarky modern retelling of old folk stories)
- Fictional (when he actually updates it… same guy as above, but these are classic literature)
- LeVar Burton Reads (all over the board. It’s whatever stories LeVar liked. Leans a bit toward speculative fiction)
- Drabblecast, sometimes good if you like “weird fiction”
- Cautionary Tales (nonfiction)
- Just started getting into The Program. Clear Black Mirror influences here.
Cautionary Tales is stressful but fun. The host has a great style and podcast voice.
LeVar Burton Reads is often great. If you like LeVar and have kids in your life, they may like Sound Detectives! , wherein a detective and a 4 foot tall ear named Audie investigate missing sounds.
The thing I like most about LeVar Burton Reads is that it’s basically Reading Rainbow with the occasional “fuck” thrown in there.
And yeah, Tim Harford’s smooth voice is a much-needed balance to the anxiety inducing content of Cautionary Tales.
I also listen to Lore, Myths and Legends and Fictional as bedtime stories.
I would add “Nothing Much Happens” to this list. The podcaster writes these short stories and tells them in a soothing voice with the goal of helping you fall asleep.
I’ve seen that one in my podcast app, but my backlog is still so long. Might be good for nights that I just want to zonk right out though.
The only podcast I listen to is the only podcast that has ever existed and it’s called ‘All Fantasy Everything.’ Everything else other users have posted is actually All Fantasy Everything in disguise behind a Joker mask hiding deep in the jungles of Bolivia. Pretty twisted.
- The Regulation podcast
- 100% Eat
- Red Web
- Tales from the Stinky Dragon
- The Podcats
- So… Alright
- Cortex
- No Such Thing As A Fish - amazing facts by hilarious hosts
- Let’s Learn Everything - fascinating, hilarious and great chemistry between hosts
- Dungeons and Daddies (not a BDSM podcast) - stunning story with some actual RPG play
- Ologies - even the topics I felt would be boring were fascinating (like Ursinology)
This Week in Tech. (since 2005ish)
Where should we begin?
The Moth.
What’s that rash?
The Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine? Nice.
I’ve never listened, but I’m in the McElroy orbit already so maybe I ought to give it a shot.
That’s the one! I say give it a try. Their episode on rabies and syphilis were pretty good imo
Stuff You Should Know
Self Hosted
Cory Doctorow’s Craphound
Already seeing a trend here, joining in:
Behind the Bastards Better Offline Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff Red Menace This Machine Kills Heavyweight (discontinued) Search Engine
Came here to see if anyone else was plugging the other CZM podcasts. I’ve expanded out to Cool People (I especially like the anarchist book club stories) and It Could Happen Here.
I wouldn’t call myself an anarchist by any means, but I like how they get to both the root causes of issues and also give some ideas on things we can do to make some of these situations better. That last part is what I feel is missing from just about every other show about current events.
There are more podcasts that deal with these kind of issues and maybe how to improve on those, or at least give context and options.
A few other podcasts that touch on these subjects:
Revolutionary Left Radio Mass Struggle Live Like the World is Dying (also with Margaret Killjoy) Final Straw Radio This Anthro Life
That’s good to know there’s more like this. My issue with a lot of politics online is that it feels like all blind anger and defeatism. With things were they talk to those actually involved in the events and those working to fix things, it makes it a much more positive experience to stay up to date on issues.
It is hard to find the outlets that are not just doom spewing but try to make it smaller and more personal, hopefully some of these podcasts give you a bit more that type of content that is motivating for you.
In order of listening frequency:
The Greatest Generation
Behind the Bastards
Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend
Linux Unplugged
Knowledge Fight - Analysis of Alex Jones and his fucked up world
God Awful Movies - Let’s watch bad religious movies and talk shit about them
Behind the Bastards - Details about evil fuckers in history (and the present)
If Books Could Kill - let’s read shitty airport books and talk about them
Qanon Anonymous (QAA now?) - The Qanon conspiracy world is fucking wild. Best keep track of it.
Others more sporadically.
Upvote for knowledge fight and BtB. I also personally love The Dollap
+1 for If Books Could Kill. They’ve kinda run out of shitty famous self help books, but they still do good rundowns on other books now.
I’ll also recommend Michael Hobbes’ other podcast, Maintenance Phase, which is largely about health grifts.
- I was a teenaged fundamentalist
- soft skills engineering
- radió ambulante
- real python
- brief history of mathematics
A few that haven’t been said in other comments