
A cheap acoustic guitar from Amazon… That’s what happens when you’re unemployed, you waste that little money you have… I can’t even play it, I though it would be easy to at least pretend to play it but nope, even those “easy to play songs” on YouTube are impossible for me and I’m negated in learning chords, now is a pretty dust collector that I want to destroy.

Also I guess cyberpunk 2077. That game isn’t what it promised to be.

Edit: people, you also can ask about the game, not just the goddamn guitar. Seriously, stop asking about the guitar, the post wasn’t even about music advice.

    2 months ago

    Anything from Amazon now.

    Last few things I bought -

    Annsmann rechargeable batteries. The best brand you can get, btw. Just don’t get them from Amashit because they’ll likely be fake

    A door handle set. The central spigot was about half a mil too big to fit through a standard latch hole

    A USB hub that plugs into my motherboard. Crashed the pc so bad I had to system restore

    This was all within two weeks. Cancelled my prime membership, and they sent me an email saying “But you’ve saved over 270€ with your prime membership over the last five years!”

    Bitch I paid you 290 for it in that time Fuck off