I’m not from the US, so I’m curious why Americans still wants him back. I always see him as a bad mouthed guy and was worse when he lost in 2020. But feel free to change my mind. This question is also for non-trump supporters who can think of one thing (if you can) on why he’s good for the top position.

  • frankPodmore@slrpnk.net
    2 months ago

    I agree with the people here that there aren’t any.

    The closest to a ‘good reason’ is that some people want certain policy outcomes that Trump has promised, not all of which are in and of themselves morally wrong. What’s wrong is that they believe that the ends justify the means, which they quite famously do not.

    • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      It is not possible for a conservative to enter a discussion in good faith. Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. Every word.

      • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
        2 months ago

        It is not possible for a liberal to enter a discussion in good faith. Every word uttered by a liberal is deception or manipulation. Every word.

        See? I can do it as well :)
        Now, do you have an actual point/argument that makes sense?

        • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Your post history is consistent evidence of my claim. Every comment you’ve made on Lemmy has been deceptive and manipulative on its face or in its substance.

          The time for negotiating with conservatives ended over a decade ago. The time for curing the social cancer of conservatism is at hand. There is no such thing as a “good conservative” alive today.

          • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
            2 months ago

            Your post history is consistent evidence of my claim. Every comment you’ve made on Lemmy has been deceptive and manipulative on its face or in its substance.

            Here we go again…
            Every time somebody says this, I ask for just one example. And never receive it (because I neither manipulate not deceive anyone :).
            So, any examples? :)

            There is no such thing as a “good conservative” alive today.

            Well yeah, you definitely seem like a good guy

            • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              What part of “every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation” are you having difficulty deciphering? Every comment you’ve made here is an example.

              Let’s use your above comment as an example.

              Every time somebody says this, I ask for just one example.

              This is not a true statement on its face.

              And never receive it

              Most replies to your “innocent inquiries” provide evidence of your deception as you reply with moved goal-posts.

              because I neither manipulate not deceive anyone (sic)

              This claim is an absurd falsehood that is evident to every rational human who reads your comment history.

              As you can see, “debating” with a conservative is a waste of time as the conservative is not able to enter any discussion with honesty or in good faith.

              • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
                2 months ago

                Holy shit, you wrote such long comment, and it still doesn’t prove a single manipulation/deceptio n/lie from me XD

                This is not a true statement on its face.

                Let me give you a tip, since you seem to struggle argumenting: if you want to prove it - the easiest way is to provide a counter-example ;)

                Most replies to your “innocent inquiries” provide evidence of your deception as you reply with moved goal-posts.

                Well, again - provide a single example of that :)

                This claim is an absurd falsehood that is evident to every rational human who reads your comment history.

                And again, a fallacy without an actual argument.

                • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  It is a common conservative tactic of deception to claim evidence is not evidence. This has been a standard go-to tactic for conservatives throughout history.

                  That approach does not work on Lemmy the way it works on other platforms you may be more familiar with (e.g. Truth Social, Stormfront, Rumble). Not acknowledging evidence as its presented to you is not going to result in a normal person being fooled here. Using a condescending tone is also not going to work.

                  The more you writhe, slither and whine, the more I enjoy playing with my food. Ok, your turn.

      • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
        2 months ago

        I didn’t bring it into the discussion, but sure, let’s talk about it :)

        What is your opinion on Azov brigade? Are those guys cool and not nazis? What about Ukrainian government (and Zelensky in particular) endorsing them (by publicly posting photos with them for example, etc.)?

        What is your opinion on Stepan Bandera, that cool guy and totally not nazi who fought for Ukrainian independence, and who is being glorified in Ukraine and after whom streets are renamed?

        Those two are just the most famous examples :)

      • lennybird@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Ah yes. With their Jewish leader whose relatives died in the Holocaust…

        They definitely drank the Russian vodka…

        • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
          2 months ago

          So, what exactly are you trying to say?

          I though the narrative ‘if you are a Jew you can’t be a nazi’ stopped after the events in Gaza, where people (left leaning people I think) accuse Netanyahu of being new Hitler and Israel of genocide or something like that, or do we still use it?

          • lennybird@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            What I’m trying to say, and I could say in a half dozen ways, is there is no evidence Ukraine is nazi state, but yes valid point: Bibi is a piece of shit, but I also don’t think he’s antisemitic as Russia claims Zelenskyy is.

            There is, in fact, much more evidence that Russia is.

            • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
              2 months ago

              there is no evidence Ukraine is nazi state

              Please see my other comment in this thread, it would be easier to discuss under one comment than to split it in multiple :)

              There is, in fact, much more evidence that Russia is.

              Well, I guess one can find a reason to accuse almost anyone of almost anything, so let’s compare the evidence against current ukr government and current rus government (but again let’s do that in that other thread please, I already gave examples of nazism from current government there).

              • lennybird@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                I’m not really sure what thread you’re talking about, but I’m content with where I am here :)

                There are documentaries showing a rise of right-wing neo-nazi groups in Russia as early as 2000s. Aleksandr Dugin is a self-described neo-nazi and essentially Putin’s right-hand Rasputin. The entire culture of Russia has become heavily anti-immigrant. Wagner itself had nazi origins.. Putin is committing now just an attempted genocide in Ukraine but also one in Russia as he purges ethnic minorities to the front-lines while he keeps those middle-class in St. Petersburg and Moscow largely sheltered from the war. Forgetting the fact that Russia now has one of the worst ratings for Corruption and Journalistic Transparency in the world, matching the likes of the Taliban in Afghanistan — LOL.

                Oh and of course Putin took a page out of Hitler’s book when he invaded Poland under the false pretenses of protecting Ethnic German and invaded a sovereign neighboring nation. Nothing tops the wrongful, aggressive invasion of a neighboring state as they try to annex territory and commit documented war crime after documented war crime.

                Yeah yeah, I know people talk of Azov, but that’s <1% of UAF. It would be no different if the shit-stains under The Base, Oathkeepers, 1%ers, Proud Boys, Boogaloo boys all joined banners alongside the rest of the country to fight against a foreign invader, such as Russia.

                If you’re a Russian or Russian sympathizer, understand the majority of the world both population and economics-wise is not on your side. You’re relegating yourself to being global pariah akin to North Korea. A laughing stock.

                • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
                  2 months ago

                  I’m not really sure what thread you’re talking about, but I’m content with where I am here :)

                  Ok, sure :)

                  Aleksandr Dugin

                  I never heard of this guy, so thanks for the info. He doesn’t seem to be anyone really important though, I quickly read some info about him and he just seems to be an “influencer” to me if I may use this word, not sure why you consider him Putin’s right hand…

                  The entire culture of Russia has become heavily anti-immigrant.

                  Are you saying that being anti-immigrant is somehow equal to being a nazi? I haven’t yet heard such a take.
                  Anyway, I found this article from UN (which was published just 3 years ago, I don’t think it can be considered outdated already?) which says Russia is actually in top 5 countries by the amount of immigrants.

                  Wagner itself had nazi origins.

                  Yeqh, this one I can believe.

                  Putin is committing now just an attempted genocide in Ukraine

                  Well, if you can call this a genocide, then I can definitely call the kidnappings of people from the streets and forcefully sending them to die to frontlines by Zelensky’s regime a genocide. And a Ukrainian right now is more likely to die from that, than from some shelling or otherwise becoming a civil casualty.

                  Forgetting the fact that Russia now has one of the worst ratings for Corruption and Journalistic Transparency in the world, matching the likes of the Taliban in Afghanistan — LOL.

                  I’m not sure which exactly index you are talking about (I’m not denying it though, this seems quite plausible to me), but I’m sure that if this index is in any way reliable, Ukraine would be somewhere quite close, there is just as much corruption and almost just as little journalistic freedom.

                  Oh and of course Putin took a page out of Hitler’s book when he invaded Poland under the false pretenses of protecting Ethnic German and invaded a sovereign neighboring nation. Nothing tops the wrongful, aggressive invasion of a neighboring state as they try to annex territory and commit documented war crime after documented war crime.

                  Well yeah his remark about Poland in that interview was indeed stupid.
                  Do you think Ukrainian side does not commit “war crimes”? Civilians in Belgorod (and other Russian neighbouring cities) are regularly dying from Ukrainian attacks.

                  Yeah yeah, I know people talk of Azov, but that’s <1% of UAF.

                  Yeah this is one of my arguments :)
                  Glad we can at least agree that those guys are nazis. What do you think about Zelensky (head of state!) making and publishing photos with their commander? Does it look like endorsment of nazism from the highest level of government?

                  Second question, what do you think about Stepan Bandera?

                  If you’re a Russian or Russian sympathizer

                  I am Ukrainian actually. I do not sympathize with Russia, I think everybody is equally bad (except for those who at least try to finish the war, which right now is Trump and Orban).

      • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
        2 months ago

        Well, you are right, there is no reason to believe him or any other politician.
        But dems openly say that they will continue the war, and Trump at least promises to end it. So you know, with Trump there is at least a chance for peace, while with whatever Dem candidate there will be - the chance is zero.

    • SavvyWolf@pawb.social
      2 months ago

      I’ve not been following the Ukrainian war recently, but wouldn’t the US surrendering Ukraine result in the erasure and eradication of Ukrainian culture. Which would likely result in more deaths than the war itself?

          • Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            If Trump actually COULD end that war, you can enjoy living in Newkraine, the redeveloped luxury resort of the Sovi- I mean, Russian Union.

            • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
              2 months ago

              Here we go again, I always hear the same arguments and they don’t make sense…

              Nobody talks about Ukraine being turned into Russia. After peace talks start, new borders will be drawn (give or take) at the current frontlines (which could be way closer to Russia if peace talks started sooner btw).

              And btw, even apart from that - do you know how to identify someone who never visited Ukraine and Russia? They are scaring you of living in Russia. Ukraine and Russia is the same shithole, give or take. Seriously, take whatever metric you want - HDI, GDP, corruption index, journalist freedom index, amount of wooden toilets on the outside, what-fucking-ever, what you will see? Both countries being close together, sometimes Ukraine is a bigger shithole, sometimes Russia is.

              • Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                I’m sure that’s all true, but you’re not looking at it like Trump.

                Your mistake is thinking like someone who gives a shit about ANYTHING that happens outside of the US. Trump is not one of those people.

                Trump has a tiny boner for the power Putin has, and many people are convinced Putin has dirt on Trump. He would send US planes to drop bombs on Ukraine if his buddy Putin asked him to.

                • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
                  2 months ago

                  Well, maybe you’re right, I don’t know.

                  Like sure, maybe all that you’ve said is true!

                  But Dems will 100% continue the war just like Biden was doing this whole time. Trump at least says that he will end it.
                  So as I see: chance of peace with a Dem is 0%, chance of peace with Trump is >0%.
                  Do you think I am wrong here ^ ?
                  And if no, then how am I supposed to support anyone but Trump?

          • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            As a conservative, the only people you care about not dying are your friends and family. Conservatives are not able to experience empathy for people outside of their in-group.

      • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
        2 months ago

        but wouldn’t the US surrendering Ukraine result in the erasure and eradication of Ukrainian culture.

        Why would it? Trump did not promise to “surrender Ukraine”, he promised to force both sides to negotiate and end the war. I don’t think those negotiations would include whole Ukraine becoming Russia, do you think so? Most likely scenario is that the current front lines become the new borders, and most of the lost territories (Lugansk, Doneck, Crimea) don’t really have " Ukrainian culture" they are mostly Russian speaking. It’s a little bit different with Kherson and Zaporizhzhya but they still don’t have nearly as much “Ukrainian culture” as western Ukraine.

        • SavvyWolf@pawb.social
          2 months ago

          The US doesn’t have the ability and/or willingness to force Russia to comply with any of their demands. Therefore any deal has to be in agreement with the Russian state, which means their war demands. That means either the US pulls military support and Ukraine are unable to fight back, or the talks go nowhere and nothing really changes. There is no motivation for Russia to accept the current front lines.

          … Although, like I said, my knowledge of this conflict is a little spotty - someone in the audience let me know if my read of the situation is correct.

          • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
            2 months ago

            There is no motivation for Russia to accept the current front lines.

            I don’t think this is correct…
            We now know the details of the peace talks (from Ukrainian sources!) that started right at the beginning of the war, where Russia was ready to retreat to pre-war (so 2022) borders.
            So I’m actually reasonably sure that Russia would absolutely accept the current front-lines.
            The only reason there is no peace talks happening, is because Zelensky’s demands are absolutely clownish (seriously, I don’t know a better word here) - “give us back all the territories you captured, including Crimea, and then we will be ready to talk”.

    • dan1101@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      I guarantee you it will be another one of those deals where Ukraine gives up their land to Russia, and those deals are pointless because Ukraine won’t accept them.

      • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
        2 months ago

        What do you mean Ukraine won’t accept them?
        Trump’s promise was to

        • Tell Putin that if he refuses to negotiate they will send much more weapons to Ukraine (isn’t that what you want btw?).
        • Tell Zelensky that if he refuses to negotiate they will stop all weapon supplies.

        If there won’t be weapon supplies, Zelensky will finally be forced to accept peace. Additionally he will lose his only reason for staying in power, and there will finally be elections in Ukraine.

        • baggachipz@sh.itjust.works
          2 months ago

          Trump’s promise

          If you believe anything that shitbird says, everything else you think or say is automatically invalidated.

          • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
            2 months ago

            Well, first of all no - it’s a fallacy and doesn’t work like that ;)

            Secondly, if there are two parties, and you distrust both, but first party has been supporting war for two years and says that they will continue to do so, and the second party says they will stop it - how is it not the logical choice to support the second party (assuming you are actually affected by the war and so want it to end)?

            • baggachipz@sh.itjust.works
              2 months ago

              And like I said, that guy lies nonstop. If you believe anything he says, you’re the sucker. It doesn’t matter if he says he will stop a war, or give everyone a million bucks, or turn straw into gold. The guy is a conman and a liar, and you seem to be falling for it. There’s nothing else to say here, you’re either a troll or a fool, or both. I say good day.

              • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
                2 months ago

                You seem to have trouble understanding my question :(

                Let me rephrase it in that case - whom should I support if I want war to end?
                It’s definitely not Dems though, as they will continue the war just like they were doing this whole time.

                In case you are not willing to answer it, good day to you as well :)

                • baggachipz@sh.itjust.works
                  2 months ago

                  The answer is neither of them probably, though I think Kamala has a chance of ending it. She’s less hawkish and further left than Biden. Trump only serves himself and his rich buddies, who happen to own defense and oil companies. So there is no way he would end the war.

                  But I also think you’re not asking this question in good faith. So yeah I guess we’re done here.

  • Kimdracula@sh.itjust.works
    2 months ago

    There really isn’t. Is just that Joe Biden was such a bad joke of a president, Trump was a funny joke of a president. Lesser of 2 evils scenario.

  • oxjox@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    The people who want to elect DT are either extremists, cult followers, uninformed / misinformed, or corporate or political anarchists. There is no one of sound or informed mind who would ever vote for him. He has proven to be bad for the people, the economy, the nation, and the world.

    We live in a time where instant access to ideas dilutes and twists reality. The majority of people don’t really know what they’re voting for nor do they really care what the ramifications of their decisions mean.

    I live in a “blue” east coast city. I read news from generally unbiased sources and I engage with others in forums like this. I can’t tell you the number of people I’ve come across, mostly but not exclusively from outside my city, who have unwavering opinions about something they’ve proven to know very little about (this is not exclusive to MAGA or republicans). I had a conversation with someone I’ve known most my life about Dr. Fauci. He thought he should be sent to prison. When I asked why he thought that he didn’t really have a coherent response and ended with, “well I guess I don’t really pay that close attention to the news”.

    Today’s politics is more similar to a sporting event than it is about the democratic process. It’s more about engaging with your team’s fans on social media than it is understanding the philosophies and mechanisms of government.

  • Vanth@reddthat.com
    2 months ago

    Brainwashing. I dug myself out from republicanism as part of the same effort to get out from under the conservative Christian / Catholic religion I was raised on. I look back and see all the signs of a “high control group”, which is today’s preferred term for a cult.

  • (⬤ᴥ⬤)@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    2 months ago

    the american right thrives on propaganda and boy howdy do they have a lot of it.

    Immigrants? simultaneously lazy welfare moochers and will steal all jobs forever

    women? sluts with no self control that must abstain themselves always, except for you of course

    queer people? pedophile groomers that hate you specifically

    black people? Racism was solved 100 years ago according to these white guys! now they’re claiming that it’s systemic?!

    Any and all political opponents? Corrupt. Monetarily? Characterally? Spiritually? yes.

  • graycube@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Most people I know support Trump because they perceive him as a “strong man”, which they value in a leader. They see Democrats as “soft”. They his wealth, his treatment of women, his treatment of employees, and his reaction to being shot as signs of strength. Another reason is they see him as being more supportive of their one true religion. He comes across as the chosen one and closer to God than most.

    • He comes across as the chosen one and closer to God than most.

      This is the greatest hypocracy for which I cannot forgive Christian Republicans.

      This is a man who, by his deeds and unrepentance for them, is the most unchristian of any candidate he’s faced. The only time he’s held a Bible was when waving it for a photo op, or when at a rally for Christians. He has set foot in any church in his adult life probably about the same number of times a I’ve read the Bible - which is few, but not many. And this, compared to men and women who attend their’s regularly.

      He is the most un-Christian candidate to have campaigned for the Presidency in probably the entire history of the US. And these hypocritical bastards worship him like the golden calf.

      • dyathinkhesaurus@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I think the bible even warns them to be on the lookout for charlatans like him. I can’t remember the quote/chapter/verse tho.

      • Crackhappy@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        What’s funny to me is that people are drawing connections from the Bible and the signs of the anti Christ to him. Lol.

        • Hey, I’ll admit, that little boy brought up by the fundamentalist father; who once Christmas asked for a leather case for his Bible; who really did read the Bible cover to cover, old and new testaments, multiple times - that little boy is looking at Trump’s base and seeing those warnings about the anti-Christ. It’s not Trump. He’s a foul person, but there are worse. It’s how his base is reacting to him that makes me think of the anti-Christ.

          There have been plenty of cults of personality, but this isn’t another Pope, where, yeah, you kiss his ring but it’s God you worship. No, his base worship him. I’m an atheist now, but that Christian child in me is still a little wigged out.

  • flamingo_pinyata@sopuli.xyz
    2 months ago

    As someone also not American I can think of some good reasons. But I’d rather hear Americans, they are the ones who vote for him

      • flamingo_pinyata@sopuli.xyz
        2 months ago

        He’s good at providing hope. False hope, but that’s hard to admit if all other candidates seem hopeless.

        Especially for the blue collar working class and the rural poor who were forgotten by Republicans, actively hated on by Democrats. Also pretty much disenfranchised by the winner takes all electoral system.

        He didn’t manage to destroy the country in the first term due to the constant opposition from Democrats. That not obvious at first sight. If you were completely new to US politics he’d just seem loud and vaguely innefective.

        • CaptainKickass@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          “Especially for the blue collar working class and the rural poor who were forgotten by Republicans, actively hated on by Democrats.”

          Yikes-ee-ola 🙀

          That Kool aid must be delicious 😋

          • flamingo_pinyata@sopuli.xyz
            2 months ago

            I’m chronically online, and have seen the way anyone not in the “urban progressive” crowd is talked about in American politics discussion. Would you vote for the option which continually insults your appearance, origins, dialect and arrogantly dismisses any legitimate concerns you may have.

            • CaptainKickass@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              I haven’t experienced any of that but wherever dude. 🤷

              Maybe the working man should vote for the party that wants to make unions illegal and bring back child labor and the 7 day work week.

              Jesus wept.