• Angry_Autist (he/him)@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Yes I know and I can guaran-fucking-tee you that as a progressive Christian myself, whatever dislike you have for conservative evangelicals I bear times five because OUR BOOK LITERALLY TEACHES NOT TO DO THESE THINGS.

    I’m not arguing with butthurt atheists today, my positioned is far more nuanced than your ilk can respond to but I want to point out:

    I didn’t say MY religion, I said religion in general. Every cohort study reports people with strong religious convictions consistently report higher life satisafaction. Your claims of 'holding us back for 2k years is not only ridiculously incorrect, it is based on memes you have consumed and not historical fact. Nearly every prestigious university in the U.S. was founded as a Jesuit school and that order has LONG been proponents of education and technological advancement.

    Lastly, your opinion of religion is formed from the memes and news articles you see about angry conservative evangelicals, because that’s what feeds the ratings beast. You really have no fucking clue what it looks like from the inside otherwise you wouldn’t be blanked bombing all theists for the rancid and unbliblical acts of the extremists.

    Enjoy your block because I certainly enjoyed blocking you.

    • TaterTurnipTulip@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      But the Bible is very inconsistent on its messages, which is exactly why it can be used in ways you don’t agree with. Christianity in particular has often been used by those in power to keep their power and subjugate others. It’s certainly not the only religion that has done it, but it is one of the most prominent.

      You believe what you want to, but when Christofascists are able to use the same book to push their regressive, violent policies, then maybe you should take a look at why that is.

      • Angry_Autist (he/him)@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Oh look, another clueless disaffected child traumatized by your mother not letting you bring your 3ds to church. Look, if you don’t have an actual scholarly interest in theology, you really aren’t prepared for any discussion involving it.

        All your opinions are formed by memes and the news, which I’ll remind you isn’t there to educate you.

        Fascism overtakes the trappings of religion and it isn’t picky what religion, so laying this solely on Christian shoulders is actively intellectually dishonest to the point that I am grinding my teeth.

        Lastly, Christianity isn’t regressive. We are told to care for the sick, the poor, and the foreigners in our lands. It gave women the right to inherit property and the right for a divorce long before any of its contemporaries.

        ANY ideology can be co-opted by bad actors, look at what 3rd wave feminism did to Atheism when they co-opted it and tried to push Atheism+. Both of those ideologies you would call progressive and I’m probably going to get a lot of flak for shitting on them here because demographics of course and not even lemmy allows for dissenting ideology. That said, I watched as established and progressive college groups get co-opted, administrations gutted, and turned into active misandry factories. So this is something hardly exclusive to American Christianity.

        But you will never acknowledge that because you are so invested in your bigotry that to admit you are wrong is too much of a sunk cost cliff.

        So you actively misunderstand and conflate, and thereby diminish human discussion just the tiniest bit for all history.

        You disgust me.

        • TaterTurnipTulip@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          It doesn’t seem like religion has made you very happy. Or very nice. I get that your username includes angry, and you seem to take that very seriously.

          It also seems like you’re not very different from the people you claim are co-opting religion. You are cherry-picking the parts of Christianity that work well for you, while ignoring or downplaying the rest.

          I know you’re not going to change your mind, but this approach certainly isn’t doing much to try and convert anyone.

          • Angry_Autist (he/him)@lemmy.world
            2 months ago
            1. I have IED and am medically unhappy, it’s a neurotransmitter deficiency and no amount of happy thoughts will fix it. So fuck you I don’t care if you think I should be nice. Go tell a paraplegic to walk and see how many upvotes you get.

            And DOUBLE fuck you for lumping me in with the christofascists, You know what I was going to write a long comment like the others in this thread but you just set off my fucking tilt meter and you did it deliberately.

            I never once said I was here to evangelize, I don’t care what you believe in or if you believe in anything at all. The point I am making is by believing in nothing you are actively reducing the total happiness in the world yet you and your kind all pretend to be the most enlightened, humanist culture.

            Fucking makes me sick how you cannot see the damage you and your ilk do and are actively doing in this thread.

        • explodicle@sh.itjust.works
          2 months ago

          If you don’t have any actual scholarly interest in Operating Thetans, then you aren’t prepared for any discussion involving Scientology.

          • Angry_Autist (he/him)@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            You know there are a ton of atheist theological scholars, right? Bart Ehrman was one of your golden boys for so long because he lied about the evidence of Yeshua’s existence. But I doubt an edgelad like yourself can even grasp that.

            I bet you have a fucking PHD in furry lore and are completely unconcerned that human animal hybrids do not in fact exist, for a parallel.

              • Angry_Autist (he/him)@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                I notice you didn’t actually address the core point of your automatic dismissiveness. How about put your big boy pants on and stop trying to meme your way out of this.

                  • Angry_Autist (he/him)@lemmy.world
                    2 months ago

                    My mistake for thinking there could be meaningful discourse on the internet these days.

                    Come to my sub where I can shout at you properly.