I accidentally dropped the red pill. And took 17 blue pills…
The red pill probably rolled under something, we should probably take another blue pill to make sure we start the project of looking for the red pill
I struggle with that too but honestly, it gets a lot easier if you just cut down on the size of your projects, so having several of them at once isn’t overly ambitious.
That, and practice a little bit of discipline when task switching, i.e. always leave things in a state where you can easily pick them up again and remember where you were.
As I’m getting better at it, I find that there’s usually always something I can make progress on, even if it’s just a little before I stash it away again. But progress is progress, no matter how small, and it does end up adding up by the end of a week and then I don’t feel as useless and defeated as I used to.
hAvE yOu TrIeD bReAkInG iT dOwN iNtO mAnAgEaBlE pIeCeS aNd SoMe DiScIpLiNe
Yes. Yes I did. I took both pills, ground them up to very manageable pieces, took a straw and just very disciplined snorted everything up.
And then I asked for more pills.
I have hundreds of eBooks that I abandoned after reading just a few pages, but still keeping them “just in case”.