I have not any prior experience with installing custom ROMs, but after trying it out (and getting stuck, and googling and finding answers) I successfully did it. Below is my home screen if anybody is curious:
I use OpenBoard for my keyboard. Unfortunately I am still dependent on Play Store since some of the apps I need can only be found there. Sometimes it feels meaningless committing to this whole thing because I’m not perfectly private; then I think this is better than using a regular iPhone or Android phone.
So far I’m liking it. I am naturally inclined to feel hesitant about using this as my main phone and plugging in a SIM since it’s custom, but I’m slowly making the transition.
Feel free to share any beginners advice or your own experience using GOS for the first time. Cheers!
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You can use the aurora store for most of your play store need’s.
vouch for aurora store being awesome
Should be all, its simply a frontend. I have never seen an app be “missing” so to say.
I was referring to features, like adding money to your account. Not that they are needed in aurora.
Some apps are not available in my Google store due to geoblocking. Can aurora circumvent this? Or is it a front end of the “local” google play store?
A reputable VPN can block this. I’m not sure if the store can solely. I don’t believe so. If your blocked for any reason you need a good VPN. ****
You are correct, re-loading the aurora store after shifting my vpn to the target country (and anonymous login) seems to change the aurora storefront too :)
Nah, I prefer F-droid wherever I can. The mentioning when an app has anti-features is so helpful.
But Aurora is a great second option.
Yeah I use play store because I have to have some stuff furnished from play store for work but aurora store is a great way to acquire those apps you do need to get through life but that aren’t open source
Check out Heliboard (also on F-Droid) and follow the instructions to enable gesture typing. I also suggest Futo for on-device voice to text.
What specific apps are you using that you can’t deal going away from? Other than some social media or gamr or something. Even then it seems like there are replacements a lot of the time
Welcome! My experience has been seamless, I think most of the idiosyncrasies have been covered in other comments already but Ive had zero issues with base functionality “out the box”
I think I can live without playstore completely but I might need K-9 with Google emails for some stuff on my device, so I guess I’m not escaping Google spying on my IP address anytime soon. Other than that, I don’t use Google or apps from the playstore at all
I guess I’m not escaping Google spying on my IP address anytime soon
Use a VPN. No reason not to if you’re concerned about privacy—otherwise you have no privacy as your ISP can monitor you. If cost is an issue, ProtonVPN has a free tier, otherwise I recommend Mullvad as an affordable and really reliable and decent option imo. I found ProtonVPN’s connection to be kind of volatile when I used it (I paid for it too, on the highest tier). Mullvad has always been super reliable though. Whenever I’ve had connectivity issues it’s always been because of whatever network I’m connected to, not because of Mullvad.
Yeah I probably should but the WiFi at work doesn’t let wireguard through (I have a wireguard server running on a VPS)
I’d love to try out GrapheneOS (or another OS), but I can’t afford a second phone, and there’s no way I’m gonna dive head-first into something entirely unfamiliar to me when it’s my only method for telephony.
It does function just like any other phone so far I’ve tested. No app that simply doesn’t work. And if it doesn’t, you can simply exploit the GOS hardening in settings to improve compatibility. You overall have more control over any app, which I like
One of my biggest concern is banking apps not working. Is that still an issue with Custom ROMs?Edit: Nevermind, answerd belowI can add that ive also had 100% success with that setting, but I’ve only needed it 2 or 3 times.
I feel the same. If I try to install a different ROM and it falls I could be without a phone for a bit.
Gos installation can’tbe easier, they have WebUI installation
I was shocked to find out that the hardest part of the installation was finding a Chromium based browser on PC lol
All you have to do to install GrapheneOS is press one button in the WebUI. No other ‘ROM’ has been easier to install.
You can also use a Chromium-based browser on another Android device
It is really similar to stock android in terms of functionality. It’s just degoogled and hardened. It’s designed to be user-friendly and not for tech-savvy people (though tech-savvy-friendly—which is part of being user-friendly imo). I promise you you can use it out of the box once installed just like a stock android install. The only thing to be aware of is to install some kind of package manager like fdroid or aurora store, or even grapheneos’s unprivileged google play store, to get apps, unless you just want to use the stock apps it comes with i guess in which case you probably shouldn’t waste money on a smartphone.
Really? That’s awesome! I think I’ll check it out. :)
Edit: …Seriously? They only support Pixel devices? Wow. Fuck this.
Yes, only Pixels are officially supported. If you want to add support for other devices, it’s a foss project and you’re welcome to write the code yourself. For other devices there are other degoogled OSes you can use. Graphene is generally considered the most secure but if you have another phone you can install one of the other AOSP forks or turn it into a linux phone or something
Its also worth noting Graphene’s focus on pixel devices stems from those devices having more easily secured hardware. Which android fork you decide to use will depend on your particular use case. I wound up going with a Pixel and Graphene for android auto. But if you’re someone with existing hardware that you want to set up with a degoogled os, there’s e/os, lineageos, CalyxOS, iodé, and, if you wanna get really weird, postmarket os. Having done a deep dive into this I can honestly day there’s no single OSFA answer to this.
I did not realize there were other forks besides Graphene and LineageOS.
In any case, thanks for the info. I guess I’ll have to shop around.
Ironically it was when the stock android upgrade on my pixel 7 completely bricked my phone (due to the multiple user profiles bug) that I decided to jump in to Graphene head first.
Compared to my experience running random ROMs on Samsungs back in the era of galaxy note 1 to 4, Graphene installer was so easy!
Aurora store and F-droid will be your besties, you don’t need play store unless you have purchased something.
I suggest Droid-ify over the F-Droid store for ease of use, but both work fine
I personally like the F-droid app way better. It is pretty polished and has the benefit of being first party
You don’t need Play Store if you’ve purchased something. I had to use a paid app for a few years and installed it through Aurora. You can install paid apps on Aurora if you log into the google account you bought it on.
I like neo store
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Automatic updates were added about six months ago. https://gitlab.com/AuroraOSS/AuroraStore/-/issues/719
They’ve been working well enough for me.
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To me I love to have control over what I update, I agree with it not being inconvenient. For other it might so it’s not really necessary to be mean about it!
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Unfortunately I’m experiencing the same thing :( Not too big of a deal for me to do manual updates once every two weeks or so but still an annoyance
I recommend you use GrapheneOS as your daily driver. There’s not really any reason not to. I have been for years and never had trouble.
Sometimes it feels meaningless committing to this whole thing because I’m not perfectly private
every small change matters
Exactly. I don’t even think of myself as having escaped surveillance capitalism. I’ve made it less lucrative though. All that data they’re mining? I’ve done a little bit of work to make sure the mines are tapped out. I’m gonna keep working to convince others that there’s value in doing the same. Its all part of telling these greedy shitheads we won’t accept their global destruction anymore
Sorry for the noob question, but are you able to access your banking apps with GrapheneOS? If so, how?
For me, going into the app info and enabling “Exploit protection compatibility mode” worked for banking.
I’ve used four different banking apps (admittedly banks which may not operate in your country, but they’re popular enough in my country) on GrapheneOS no problems. I currently don’t have a banking app installed because I don’t need one and it’s probably spyware. I just do my digital banking in my web browser. But if you want to install a banking app, it should work completely fine, save for notifications—a lot of proprietary apps seem to rely on Play services for notifications 🤷♀️
Most apps should work with no issues. There’s a compatibility list at https://privsec.dev/posts/android/banking-applications-compatibility-with-grapheneos/
Even if apps you use depend on play store one of the things you can do on GrapheneOS is temporarily disable it and only turn it back on when apps refuse to run, another option is just keeping those apps in a separate work profile.
all android phones can temporarily disable an app until you turn it back on.
No, that only applies to (some, not all) system apps. GrapheneOS allows this for all (including user-installed apps): https://grapheneos.org/features#user-installed-apps-can-be-disabled
adb shell pm disable-user PACKAGE_NAME
worked for me with Signal on a stock pixel
Sure you can do it through adb, but Graphene exposes this option in the settings. They also recommend against enabling developer settings and using adb for security reasons.
But you said “no” before… I was just showing that it is indeed possible with non-system apps.
Yeah you’re right, I didn’t think of adb while writing that comment. It’s not possible through the settings is what I meant.
Not all of them can disable google play service apps
I would argue you shouldn’t be using those apps in the first place since they all contain proprietary blobs (yes that includes Signal, see Molly-FOSS for a non-blobbed fork).
Molly also includes other useful features like database encryption and UnifiedPush support.
Yes but for me it is a non-starter for legal reasons because screenshots do not work with fingerprint lock turned on. I don’t understand why the user cannot choose to enable this or not like other apps can (including Signal).
Absolutely, my suggestion was just for folks who have apps that still require play services, not everyone can avoid it, but you can minimize usage if you do need them.
Not google services
I’m curious why no one recommending FlorisBoard.
I’ve been using GraoheneOS as my daily driver for months now. I still have issues with things that need Google Localization (car sharing program in my city for example) and I’ve had a few banking apps complaining when being installed from the Aurora Store.
I miss having my cards on my phone quite a lot.
+1 for this, but i will mention that suggestions/autocorrect is not stable yet if that matters for people.
Suggestions/autocorrect will likely come within the next 2 months when 0.5 releases
It’s also easily customizable and will likely have an in-app layout editor by 0.6
hopefully i can move clipboard buttons too.
Look into the user profiles feature to further isolate any play store apps you still use. I have one profile called gshit and thats the only one I install anything non-opensource on from the Aurora store.
This prevents any playstore apps from accessing say photos, contacts, messages, etc on your main profile.
PS. If you don’t like the stock launcher either you should check out KISS launcher (minimal mode)
Didn’t the Aurora store get their anonymous profiles killed? You still need to login right?
Hmmm nope I just updated some apps yesterday. I had to uninstall and reinstall Aurora store cause it wasnt showing the anonymous option anymore, but after that it popped up and worked like normal, no sign in.
Logging in via Aurora can get your Google account banned.
Only read about it once or twice, so take that warning with a grain of salt.
No, anonymous logins work fine.
No issues here.
Been using that for a few days now, I’ll never go back to AOSP, gboard, helio, nor anything else. Saw a video of who I think is the head of futo, giving a no fucks given presentation, says he’s tired of non google keyboards that make it feel like your typing drunk. Website has a QR code to add the Futo repo to fdroid, ez pz.
Unfortunately not FOSS
Source available is not the same as FOSS. Being able to access the source code is only a precondition to software being considered free. Their licence is not a FOSS licence.
I wasn’t meaning to conflate the two, as I see your point. I didn’t claim it was FOSS, just that the source was available.
I know for me, I don’t mind using software that is licensed so that it doesn’t directly fall under FOSS. I just like the availability to view the source vs closed source software being a total black box.
I have no plans to monetize their work, nor fork it, only use it.
Well that’s the difference between source-available software, open source software and free software. FUTO’s license may be source-available, but it’s not open source.
FOSS stands for Free & Open Source Software. FUTO is neither free software nor open source.
What don’t you like about HeliBoard? I have it and FUTO both installed, but I prefer HeliBoard due to its ‘hold space bar to move cursor’ option. Then I use FUTO for the occasional SpeechToText.
I didn’t dislike Heli, just my accuracy to hit the correct key felt immediately better using Futo.
Ooh in that case I may try using it for typing again. My typing accuracy on Heliboard is abysmal.
Can confirm I had the exact same experience moving from Heli to Futo. Immediately noticed I was way more accurate, better swipe and predictions too.
Good to know it wasn’t placebo! 😅
Futo also has the hold space bar to move cursor by default. I just wish it had single hand mode.
OMG thank you I didn’t know that!
I kept pressing and holding and got annoyed that the change keyboard dialog would pop up. Pressing and moving is the secret!
Don’t forget to change your DNS provider to something such as NextDNS for added benefits
Does it have any benefits over just running pihole, other than reliability?
You aren’t always home, therefore when you aren’t home it’s useful.
You can still use PiHole as your DNS when not home if you setup a VPN. For me that was the route I went.
or you can allow public authenticated access to dns over https/tls… like just requiring a unique query param would be enough (just don’t expose the raw udp dns server, it’s a really bad idea)
I have not yet looked into the DNS topic. What are the risks if I use the provider’s default DNS? Or what are the advantages of using a different DNS?
ISP DNS servers often lies, depending on your country, a lot do DNS blocking so it’s a way to evade basic censorship. Also some alternative DNS can lie in useful ways, for adblocking or malware protection. You can also check mullvad DNS.
NextDNS even let’s you customize your DNS filter. You can choose which blocklists you want to use, and you can manually whitelist/blacklist individual domains. It also has other cool features like parental controls and malware protection.
It also works when using cellular data or connecting to a different Wi-Fi network. Your Pi-Hole only works when you’re at home or when you VPN into your home network
Fair. I always assumed I could just point to it while I’m out, but i also haven’t put a lot of thought into it yet lol