It all comes from Arizona. Ive never been to Arizona. My phone number isnt anywhere near Arizona. One year, I replied STOP to every text. Nothing stopped. Now I just cuss them out and block them, but it still persists. I wrote an email to the Arizona Republican’s main office and demanded my number be removed from thier canvassing. Crickets. More spam. 3 today alone. I am so tired of this shit. It doesnt help that I think conservatives are pieces of shit and I am a member of a marginalized community that they are targeting with hate and discriminative laws.

  • U can find most of said representatives phone numbers online ans can relatively cheaply hire automated adverting/spam to a list of phone number relatively cheaply. Considering their political leaning im sure lemmy can help provide u with a long list of thibgs thag will upset them to great ends.

    Or juat call whowvwr thwy are advertising for and tell them u will be getring an abortion if they do not stop and will continue fucking like a porn star just to get more abortions because if u have to deal with spam for a second longer then killing anotehr human life is the only thing that might make it said spam bearable in comparison. U can probably use an ai deep fake if ur bot a woman and ai image gen to provide proof. Not sure if u can get mail order fetuses but that might also effectively stop u getting spammed. Or just atart sending them large quantities of dildos and gay porn.