1-800-got-junk? doesn’t care at all about its environmental impact. No sorting what so ever happens to what goes on their trucks it all goes to landfills. All the ads will say they recycle and that they repurpose old furniture but I was threatened with being fired when I recommended donating antiques instead of dumping a load of furniture.
More jobs and more profits comes before anything else in that company, including employee health and safety. Several times I was told to enter spaces we werent trained for (attics and crawl spaces) and carry waste I legally couldn’t transport (human/organic wastes and the laws states the driver is fined, not the company). One guy injured his shoulder during an attic job and was told to finish the shift or lose his job. Absoulte scum of a company with very sleazy management and possibly the labour board in their pocket as they kept “losing the files” when I tried to file a report with buddy’s shoulder (he was hesistant to report for fear of losing his job).
Thats painful to read
I’ve had a few friends work for them out in Montreal, and their parent company (2 Men and a Truck). According to them it’s a mob-operated business.
Oh no! I had a great experience with 2 men and a truck when I he used them! No idea it was associated with the 1 800 junk folks
The people who negotiate your medical claims make more money on the settlement commissions than the doctors even make from their procedures.
And there’s like 25-40 people total who handle the claims for every single health insurance company.
The US healthcare and insurance industry is such a scam. There are so many people making so much money off denying claims and overcharging for procedures.
The first steel mill I worked for, the test requirements were more of a suggestion than a rigid specification. I, a trained and skilled engineer with the capacity to make informed decisions, had to run all rejections by my boss who would tell me “it’s close enough” even if it wasn’t. Sometimes it bit us in the ass with warranty failures, but the warranties were probably cheaper than internal rejections (and what is brand perception worth?).
My second steel mill job, I was the one making the rejection decisions. I did the hard thing and rejected our failures but I also troubleshot them to prevent recurrence, making our product and capability better over time.
It very much matters who you buy your steel from; two mills can have vastly different performance for the same products based on how they handle these situations.
A lot of companies seems to do that a lot, cut corners on the quality a little bit, push out the extra reserve capacity, etc. Then when a complaint occurs y’all quality engineers get the short end of the stick. What doesn’t cost the company costs us more time, effort, mental and physical health.
I’m curious: is this a major lawsuit waiting to happen, or is the mill somehow protected from that?
I’m picturing a situation where bad steel is provided, used by the purchaser, and later the product they put the steel in fails, causing a serious accident, death, or other severe issue. does the mill’s responsibility somehow end at warranty replacement or have they created a bigger liability for themselves?
This is indeed illegal and immoral. Example.
Elaine thomas did this, lied to her bosses, and the industry. People even considered her an expert. Reading the usdoj interviews with her, she may have just been arrogant, and kinda dumb.
Section 54 of the complaint against Elaine Thomas
During the November 19, 2019 interview, THOMAS criticized the -100F Charpy V-notch test. THOMAS said -100 F was a “stupid number” to test because nothing operated at -100 F in the water. She also admitted, however, she did not know the Navy’s reasoning for testing at this temperature. THOMAS acknowledged that someone at Bradken had been changing failing -100F Charpy V-notch testing results to passing. THOMAS also admitted that she could have been the one to raise the numbers because she believed the -100F Charpy V-notch testing was "a stupid stupid requirement. When asked why she raised the yield strength numbers for the 1990 heat, THOMAS stated, “It looks like I raised the numbers to make it pass. This was not the right thing.” THOMAS said occasionally she would consider rounding up -100F Charpy V-notch results if the numbers were “super duper” close to passing.>
I worked at a fruit processing plant. We found maggots in the blueberries. Line got shut down for obvious reasons.
Owner of the company came in and said ‘pack them anyway’. We knowingly sent out blueberries with maggots in them.
Needless to say that company sucks and people hate working there.
What’s the company?
I would love to say but its a small company in a fairly small community and I dont want to say for privacy reasons. Wouldnt make it too hard to figure out where I live.
Lets just say if you buy any blueberries labelled IFC (international fruit company) there is a chance they are our berries.
Just to be clear, I did NOT work for the IFC. We just packaged our berries for them and sent them out with their label. I cannot comment on the quality of IFC products in general.
I get your point but are you going to reply this to every single comment
Military equipment is sold to the PRC and mislabeled as COTS, i.e. civilian.
I used to work for a popular wrestling company, billionaire owner, very profitable, would write off any OSHA penalties as the ‘cost of doing business’ just as they did in 1998, when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table
You son of a bitch, I don’t know if you’re the og shittymorph, but I missed that bastard.
I can die happy now, having seen this on the fediverse. Amazing.
I want to believe… but the morph has always been exactly.
“nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer’s table.”
But I want to believe…
Edit: looking back at previous shittymorph posts. Grammar, punctuation and delivery is at much higher standard… I’m sad 😢. I’m hoping that I’m way way wrong. Can anyone reach out to shittymorph on reddit to confirm?
Confirmed imposter. Sorry everyone. 😢
Thank you for doing the research we all needed.
I assumed as much when the story didn’t go on for at least three paragraphs first.
That is quite an astute observation, in fact many folks would have overlooked such precise details. As you could imagine, with newness and changing situation such as a major platform shift, and as we enter a revolutionary technological time period in hopes of a prosperous fediverse, it’s easy for us to become a overzealous and infatuated with all the excitement, but we must remember, it pales in comparison to the crowd’s excitement in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer’s table.
The programming team that is working hard on your project is just one dude and he smells funny. The programming team you’ve met in your introductory meeting are just the two unpaid interns that will be fired or will quit within the next two months and don’t know what’s happening. We don’t do agile despite advertising it. Also your project being a priority means it’ll be slapped together from start to finish 24 hours prior to the deadline. Oh and there will be extra charges to fix anything that doesn’t work as it should.
In my company we have a very modern agile workflow where QA is top priority.
At least that what we advertise. In reality it’s all an unorganized clusterfuck where I’m pretty sure I am the only one who bothers to write automated tests. Who’s got time to write tests bro just push that shit out ASAP we’ll deal with it when the client calls us in the middle of the night to complain about previously-working shit being broken now.
I’ve worked for one company that actually did it right (complete with pair programming, even). It was pretty nice.
Too bad we were apparently the “experimental?” team and the only one in the whole company doing it that way.
I worked for a company like that. Wall Street shits bought us up and sold everything that wasn’t bolted down.
Can confirm. I am the smelly guy. Leave me alone and you get code. Bother me and you don’t.
I think we work in the same company, the dude does not smell funny to me but maybe that’s just me.
Are you that dude?
A lot of outsourcers do this. Here’s my experience with a few companies.
- The “team” you meet are competent, English speaking fronts. They are the demo models of the people who will work on your projects.
- After the contract is signed, these people are swapped out with randos of varying competence.
- In some cases, some of these randos are further hidden behind aliases: people with names that are actually more than one person sharing logins and passwords.
- They will string you along, trying to charge maximum hours worked without regards to product or services delivered.
- Most of these companies have a “bucket of crabs” mentality: the managers are horrible, the staff incompetent, and once the gain some skill, they leave for better companies. They backstab one another, hijack projects to fuck over coworkers, and lie and cover their tracks. Some of this is cultural, like a caste system, while some are just racist.
At one time, these people were pretty good, but they realized they had skills and left for other countries for better pay and better working conditions. The bids got more and more competitive, cutting costs until they were literally filled with low-skilled labor who can’t be promoted or leave for economic or competence reasons.
When you have a great programmer working on your project he will be cycled to a new project in 2-3 months. Your new senior developer who silently takes over the project is part time because he’s working on finishing his education.
No one knows how anything works, except that one guy, who left the company half a year ago. That’s how all software development is.
Thai is basically my current team, haha.
Programming teams I’ve worked with are a joke.
Company A: We got hacked and the lead dev argued for days it wasn’t a hack. Malware was actively being served to customers during this time period because she refused to deal with it and there was no security team.
Company B: programming team was the IT guys nephew and some random UI designer who hadn’t finished college and was never able to be employed after finishing college…
Company C: We interviewed a candidate who was way over qualified and would make our life so easy because he was eager and hungry. Instead we hired a bootcamper who had never heard of docker (half our infra is docker), react, or anything other than vanilla JavaScript. She failed our practical but still got hired because the hiring manager wanted and assistant. She has become a glorified project manager, but still has the title software engineer.
It’s pretty depressing, but the fact that soil and groundwater are almost certainly contaminated anywhere that humans have touched. I’ve seen all kinds of places from gas stations, to dry cleaners, to mines, to fire stations, to military bases, to schools, to hydroelectric plants, the list could go on, and every last one of them had poison in the ground.
It’s just as depressing when something counts as “clean”. My saddest example was a former sand pit, they spent 30 years digging out 15 meters of sand, then another 30 years filling it with anything from industrial to veterinary waste, “capped” it with rubble in the late 40s and called it clean enough.
Had a bigass job digging out the top 3 meters of random waste, including several thousand of barrels of whatever the fuck. And definitely no unexploded ordnance (spoiler, after finding several ww2 rifle stocks and helmets, the first mortarshells were dug up too). After makimg room, it was covered in sand, clay, bentonite and a protective grid.
So naturally, 3 months after that finished, some cockhead decided to throw an anchor and hit go all ahead flank on his assholes boat and tore the whole thing up. No need to fix anything though, just shovel some more sand it, that’ll stop the anthrax!
This was all in open connection with a major river, of course. One people swim in.
Some places are insanely polluted to the point where you wonder how a whole company could be so braindead and essentially poison themselves.
A place not far from where I live had a chemical plant which just dumped loads of chemicals on a meadow for years. Now there are ground water pumps installed there which need to run 24/7 so that the chemicals don’t contaminate nearby rivers and hence the rest of the country.
When taking samples from the pumped up water you can smell gasoline.The largest lake in the UK by area got massively polluted and turned into a swamp of toxic green algae. It’s crazy how people just let stuff like that happen.
We’re house shopping and there has been a house on a lake sitting on the market forever. I got curious and researched the lake and… It’s a literal superfund site. The company that was on the other side of the lake just dumped their waste chemicals right on the shore and it has polluted both the lake and ground water forever essentially because they don’t break down. I looked up the previous owner… Died of cancer. The shit that companies are and were allowed to get away with is just insane. Meanwhile right wing nut jobs want to get rid of the EPA (which was ironically created by Richard Nixon).
A place not far from where I live had a chemical plant which just dumped loads of chemicals on a meadow for years.
Sounds cheap.
deleted by creator
Everything comes in frozen. Before mixing with the sauces it smells off. Half the staff mix without gloves. Dont get the tuna but have it your way…
Working at the morgue must have been tough
An uncle of mine ran a funeral home. He and his staff took hygiene freaken seriously.
I work in IT. Most systems have laughable security. Passwords are often saved in plain text in scripts or config files. I went to a site to help out a very large provincial governmental organization move some data out of one system and into another. They sat me down with a loaner laptop and the guy logged me into his user account on the server. When I asked for escalated privileges, he told me he’d go get someone who knew the service account passwords.
After a few minutes, I started poking around on my own… And had administrative access within an hour. I could read the database (raw data), access documents, start and stop the software, plus, figured out how to get into the upstream system that fed data to this server… I was working on figuring out the software’s admin password when the guy came back. I’m sure that given some more time, I could have rooted the box because the OS hadn’t been updated in years.
I work as a pentester and Red Teamer, I can attest that even for some large companies, you always stumble upon something that’s just dumb, and completely renders their multi-million investment they are probably making into security tools and solutions worthless.
Having worked network support, the number of times I’ve been on a screen share with someone who opens an excel sheet from the share drive that holds all the root passwords for every network device they own is high. A bad actor could take down some very large companies with some simple social engineering skills.
A certain fruit company knows about you WAY more than you can imagine, and most of the information is accessible to even the lowest ranks of support. And yeah, my NDA is finally over.
The iCloud support app? I’ll say it if you won’t. Apple needs to be shamed into doing something about that
Nice try unfathomable number company employee
When you say fruit company, do you mean Apple or Chiquita?
Is it time to update the banana wars wiki page?
Interesting… any more detail?
When a report came out on car security, one thing which stood out was how any technician of any of the client car manufacturers could just browse through gps data, cameras etc for millions of customers’ cars.
One of the many ways they found out was because one system accidentally gave access to customers as well as techs (pro tip: remember to check group membership when doing LDAP authorisation!)
Depending upon your position you have an NDA that either has a date or never expires. I have worked for companies that I have NDAs with that never expire. Be careful what you share.
Is an eternal NDA legal?
Can you afford the lawyer to find out?
Ask the judge.
One could just use a VPN and share freely as long as they are not using their legal name as their username Id imagine. If they were at all worried.
We used to sell Windows built-in Recovery tool.
I mean this is actually pretty impressive, I don’t think Microsoft themselves would be confident enough to sell it
You didn’t sell the recovery tool, you sold the warm and fuzzy feeling that somebody was looking out for them.
Oh my god
Office Depot sells printers at very low (or even negative) margin, and then inflates the margins on cables, paper, ink, and warranty. If you want the best deal, get the printer from OD, and everything else you need somewhere else. That $20 USB cable they sell costs them $1 and you can get the same or better online for $2.68.
Aye this is 100% correct! I used to manage a store in NC. Also none of the tech services are actually done by the associates. We just attach a USB with a program for someone else to fix it remotely.
Who in the world is using a USB printer in 2023?
Ethernet bby
Who is using an Ethernet printer in 2024?
Wifi bby
People who value their sanity. WiFi is unreliable.
Who in the world would put a cheap blackbox in their household and give it access to the internet.
Selfhosted CUPS bby!
The reasonably new android phones seem to detect unix network printers now, so wireless printing works as well. Mostly… we’re talking about the printers after all.
I know I’m super late to the party, but everyone should know about Monoprice.com
It’s honestly my go-to website whenever I need audio cables, video cables, PC/laptop adaptors, or even network cables. But they offer a lot more than just cables.
Let’s say you need to buy a personal printer cable (USB-A to USB-B) at’s 6 feet long. Office Depot’s lowest price is just under $6. Best Buy’s lowest price is $7.99. Staples’ lowest cost offer is a bit over $3. Walmart’s lowest price is just under $5. Amazon’s lowest price (minus Monoprice items on the site,) is just under $7. Monoprice offers one 6 foot long printer cable for $1.99. And after adding the shipping cost for me, it came out to be $5.
This principle applies to many stores. If you shop at a mattress store the mattress pads are priced at triple the value.
I appreciate the exact price of $2.68.