They sell things that come in cups, or with napkins. Lots of people cycle/run/walk here instead of driving, seems pretty stupid.
Taking away the bins doesn’t mean you don’t produce rubbish…
Edit: I think there is still a bin IN the cafe, but most people eat/drink outside. Lots of people asking staff where the bins are. Still hypocritical I think though? (And still mildly infuriating to remove well used bins!)
there is a bin in the café according to you lmao.
this is ridiculous tbh, protecting wildlife is more important than your convenience in that place lmao, you’re annoyed that you have to walk inside to throw your trash?? wtf lol.
The only problem with the bins that got removed had with wildlife was when wasps nested in them one year. They had sprung loaded flaps
They just don’t want to pay people to empty the bins. Defunding. DEFUNDING!
It’s been this way as long as I can remember down at Moors Valley. From my limited observations there, it surprisingly works much better than you might expect.
Yeah I have seen a lot of trash cans in public parks that get ransacked by wildlife. Raccoons or even crows throwing all the trash out to get into a bag of fast food.
If someone can carry loaded food packaging in they should bring their own bag and pack it all out. It is probably better to lighten the load on the forestry workers by having a smaller number of receptacles available.
I wouldn’t be mildly infuriated by this at all. I try to pick up any trash I see anyhow. It is convenient but doesn’t bother me if I take it home and get rid of it there .
You said carry in. OP said this is a cafe, so not carried in. Acquired on site = disposed on site.
“we don’t want to pay human beings to do the necessary work created by our business, so we’re offloading it to you.”
fwiw removing trash cans and promoting not littering is proven to reduce litter.
It’s people that suck generally
there’s no way that’s d true you mean people who can’t hold on to waste until they see a garbage can, instead will hold on to it until they go home? doesn’t even make sense
Can you cite this source? It’s my personal experience that people will just drop things on the ground if there’s not a convenient trash can.
This is an interesting read:
There is a potentially good way to do this, ensure the cafe uses minimal packaging and what packaging is used is compostable. Then just have compost bins.
Growing up in the 60s, we saw anti-littering commercials, called PSAs (Public Service Announcements),on TV every day. Ask any older American what they remember about those PSAs, and they will say “The crying Indian.”
Today, they never show those anymore, and i am seeing young people littering as a result. I was recently in a fast food lot, and saw a car pull in, a young guy about 20 get out, and throw a bunch old fast food trash into the bushes, then walk into the restaurant. He passed a trash can next to the door on his way in, where he could have tossed his trash, but he just tossed it in the bushes instead.
I collected up the trash, and set it on the hood of his fancy hot rod.
I’ve seen plenty of similar examples in the last few years, because young people dont see those PSAs telling them not to, and even their parents havent been educated to teach them.
I remember those commercials they ran into the early 80’s. Peter Sarstdet song in the background
I’ve seen mongoloids throw trash on the floor while they stood less than a foot away from the trashcan. Should’ve thrown him in the trash.
Idk, that was before my time and it just seems common sense to me to not litter 🤷♂️ the trash doesn’t just disappear and it will become someone else’s problem.
It feels to me a lot of people don’t care if it becomes someone else’s problem and that mentality goes through all parts of their lives.
And that was the secondary effect of PSAs like the litter campaign. The underlying message was that we are all in this together, we have to live with each other, so lets try to clean up after ourselves because it benefits us all.
That message being burned in our brains at such a young age contributed to our sense of pride in America. Today, it’s just everyone for themselves.
Pack in, Pack out.
Geniuses have no understanding of how some people can be dirty.
Sounds to me like they just dont want to empty the bins any more. I suspect after a few months of picking rubbish off the floor, the bins will be back.
Or not and everyone will complain and stop going.
We survive that way in Japan with almost no bins. Of course the odd person litters, but most don’t; if we can pack it in, we can pack it out. Now, if there were no bin inside the cafe, that would be idiotic.
I do have the impression that Japanese people have a much stronger “social responsibility” with public stuff compared to most westerners.
Whilst this is not wrong and shame is a big motivator in Japan, some otherwise bored cops fining literers for a while would probably prevent that situation. On the other hand, I think maintaining some bins (infra to install and hardware + maintenance cleaning and maybe the odd security check) would be cheaper, beeter, and friendlier
*all westerners
Really. Japanese society has a lot of issues on its own, but there’s also a lot to learn from them.
I disagree with the broad brush as not all westerners nor easterners would fit into that (see rural areas that suddenly got disposable travel income), you are right that Japan is far from perfect but we could all benefit from some exchange
I’m on board with this. Don’t bring rubbish into woodland areas; and if you do bring it - take it back with you.
I’m sure the bins were very convenient - but its a convenience that only helps you leave trash in the woodland for someone else to collect. And as others have pointed out, the rubbish can cause problems even if it is all put in the bin.
So yeah, I can see that it is mildly frustrating - but I don’t think ‘take your rubbish home’ is too much of an ask.
Yeah, I agree but if you know anything about human behavior, you would realize all this paragraph you wrote was for nothing because people are going to do what people do
I’ve just come back from a holiday which involved lots of hiking in mountains and woodlands. It’s rare to see bins out there, and yet somehow the places are clean. But please tell me more about human behaviour. Getting insulted by strangers on the internet is so fun.
Relax buddy
The only way this will work is if humans behave in ways that no human has ever humaned
People who go to trails are not gaurnteed, but are more likely to care about the environment they traveled to go to. Mostly.
There are countries where this is culturally how litter is managed. Japan is a fully developed example - bins are hard to come by, everyone brings their trash with them.
It can be done.
Unless they are in a car, take a walk along one of the less used roads and you will find empty food containers and piss bottles galore
Just putting in my 2 cents. I don’t remember seeing any trash from my 2 weeks in Japan. The country is impeccably clean.
If there is a bin I will use it, if not I will take it home.
If you don’t you are scum and deserve to be pilloried in the town square.
While it can be done you have to have a focus on the group over the individual like Japan for It to happen. The main issue faced in most of the countries where litter would be an issue are ones that are more indiviualistic. So you have to upend the entire culture of a country and move its focus off of self and onto the whole. Can it be done? Eventually. Will it be done? Not likely.
So for now, there should be bins. Lol
The places with the fewest places to deposit one’s trash are always the ones with the most litter. Always.
If someone wants another person to adapt a behavior, from a purely practical standpoint, that person must make the other person’s job easier or it will simply not work to get them to adapt. If this wasn’t a forest (such as it is, it being the UK), the only proper thing to do would be to dump as much trash there as possible while demanding the bins back until they get the message and cave in. I could write a whole book here about how the packaging industry paid lobbyists and PR firms to put the blame on consumers for the useless crap they make existing in the first place, and shaming them into keeping it out of sight and thus out of mind. I won’t. But it’s a tale vile enough that it convinced me that there’s a time and a place for littering as protest. The woods aren’t the place.
Besides, there ARE receptacles that are critter resistant. This is an absolute cop out, and seeing how landscaped the area is, a couple of bins would hardly scar the landscape. This is pure crap. I looked the place up, and it’s NOT the kind of place where you deny people trash receptacles, nor is it the kind of place you can credibly base your argument on “we don’t want animals to get used to people”. Good lord, what a bunch of idiocy.
“To support our commitment to reducing the number of covid cases, we have elected to discontinue counting them. We kindly ask all infected to kindly die at home.”
Skip that last sentence.