I’ve been thinking about this especially as tariffs are set to make non-plastic even more expensive, and we’re going to see EVEN MORE products that traditionally were glass/aluminum become plastic…Not just from an ‘ecowarrior’ thing but micro/nanoplastic pollution, what are your tips to avoid plastic packages as it seems increasingly the ‘only’ option for so many products now… even 75% of veggies at my local super are plastic wrapped with no alternative!!! Yes, I use the bulk section… what other tips/hacks do you have, if any?
I have a garden and i buy from local grocer and put produce in my own mesh bags instead of plastic. Buy meat from the butcher part of the grocer and its wrapped in paper. You should stop going to supers if they only give produce already wrapped in plastic
Our area is covered in ice/snow for much of the year, so my garden doesn’t help us too much with supplements. Our local coop is great and has pastic-free produce, but costs sometimes as much as 2-3x more than the chain store!! I wish we could get everything there, but it’s further and further out of reach with each price hike. I would ‘stop going’ entirely to the chain super with plastic wrapped veggies if we could afford it. The butcher is a great point - we don’t eat much meat, but when we do I can start buying it direct from the counter for paper-wrapping.
One thing you could try is a greenhouse in your yard if you have one / if you get enough sun. My friend made one out of a lot of windows and lumber got for free on craigslist.
Another just bought a kit online and put it together
Ultimately you vote w your dollar and buying stuff with excess packaging just makes them buy more of it from their suppliers and think it’s popular. I have the socal sun providing lots of veggies that i dont have to buy much so paying a bit higher when i do is less noticeable but living here is too expensive in general and not sure how much longer ill stay