How does the free gravel thing work? Can I just summon it in a location of my choice? Or is there a guy who delivers it to me?
It spawns in your gizzard
Wait did you just take all of them?
If I looked 10 years younger than I do now, I’d look 8-years-old
10 hours younger. Lol
None? Lol
Gravel ofc. Just imagine being able to provide every construction site on earth with cheap gravel with no cost at all. I’d be the first billionaire on earth who didn’t fuck other people over to be absurdly rich.
Thought the same thing but it doesn’t say how the gravel is obtained. I assume there’s still going to be transportation costs and “life” could be as short as how long it takes to be smothered by a heap of free gravel. I am suspicious.
Number seven. And then piss off every “pea under shell” trickster, because you can see which shells are empty.
I’ll give you a hint, they’re all empty.
But aren’t the shells more covers than containers?
Can run as fast as Albert Einstein
Now, or when he was alive?
3 for sure. Depending on how teleporting into other objects works, and how fast you can spam it, you could get some serious work done with a power like that.
yeah, #3 is a time machine if you can spam it faster than light can travel 7 inches
3 or 7.
Doesn’t mention any cooldown on the teleport so I could probably spam it which would make it useful.
7 sounds stupid but it could be actually useful in some situations.
Most humans can already teleport 7 inches instantly… It’s called walking. The free gravel is where it’s at!
Do you use a different definition of ‘instantly’ or do you have some secret arcane knowledge
I ran the quarter mile in 1 pico-second back in school.
So, both?
“What is the meaning of toaster?” Is a powerful question. Either able to push buttons and push levers down if the intent is toasting bread, or making a heat coil glow with the intent of cooking bread. Either way, the nuclear industry would be ratically altered. Theres also just a industrial toast factory secretly sponsored by big “nuclear” deticated to making, shipping and toasting bread as slowly as possable. With propaganda for toast simmar to “Got Milk?”
A manga artist would find a way to make one of these the most op power in their entire universe. “I can fill anyones lungs with gravel with just a thought” or " i teleported 5 cms into you and severed a nerve in your spine that paralyzes you for life"
Shhh! Thats Elasta-girl’s big secret!
I feel as though there is money making opportunity in 8. The language is dead? Nobody alive who can speak the language, so I’d have more or less free reign to profit off of being the only person who could speak it.
Sure but selling gravel has instant world wide business opportunities. Gravel is the better money making option.
Good luck finding someone to talk to
Best case scenario, I find some linguist willing to pay me to help with their understanding of the language. Worst case scenario, I’m the only person who can speak this language.
Also, if nothing else, I could impress people by being the only person in the world who speaks a specific language.
- and scan the sam artists with their cups back!
Please, someone tell me where I can find a full Sub of these! I love these so much.
Number three will get you through most all fences, walls, and locked doors. Become ungovernable.
Hopefully it’s a7 inch gap, if it’s 7 inches from center mass you’re not really fully shifting position.
I too assume it’s 7" from center of mass. So not even beyond the boundary of my body.
And the minute you do it wrong you’ve fused with a fence or a steel door or something and are probably dead so it would require a ton of practice to know your limits
Being able to teleport into a region already containing air without creating a nuclear blast requires that you can already either instantly displace the air in the target region (which would make a Very Loud Noise) or switch places with it, so there are possible interpretations of the power where teleporting into a fence would leave behind a detached section of fence or bend it out of your way
I think I’m normal teleporting scenarios it doesn’t allow you to teleport into ‘objects’, though obviously there has to be some exception for air or it’s basically worthless. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any scenario where you displace anything other than gas?
True, so I guess in this case the possibility would be that you could get stuck in an object by displacing it, but by continuously displacing, theoretically you could get unstuck
You could pass through anything as long as you’re willing to destroy it in the process
If you work in demolition you could take out a wall by continuously teleporting through it, if you wanted to do typical superhero stuff it would be good in a fight but nonlethal attacks aren’t really an option
True, though this doesn’t cover whether you’d feel the effects of the teleportation, or I guess also how fast you could teleport. Teleporting through air is probably not crazy, but if only every atom of you teleports into solid steel or rock, you’ll basically be stuck for as long as your brain takes to process the next teleportation. If you don’t do it with a full breath you can’t breath out, your hairs might get stuck from tiny muscle movements, if your eyes are open, they are now just touching rock or steel, I think it would require some practice to know the right like “body preparation” to do without harming yourself.
What you gotta do is carry a small object and hold it in front of you, and then teleport forward and back so that the object goes into and out of the lock, breaking it.
True true