The first thing I do with my isp provided modem is set it to bridge mode.
why is port forwarding a premium feature? isn’t it just a setting on your router
There are providers that do not provide you your own IPv4 address, with a feature called “CGNAT”. Often, they will then block you from port-forwarding altogether.
that is wild, man
Bc $$$.
My provider won’t allow it unless I pay them $15/mo extra.
You can change the setting on your router anytime but it won’t work if your ISP doesn’t actually allow it.
Rent a seed box. That’s the best solution for everyone.
I use Proton VPN which has port forwarding
Assuming you mean IPv4 CGNAT: IPv6.
Does STUN no longer work to allow port-forwarding when needed by P2P applications?
Does port forwarding really matter if you have symmetrical fiber?
In principle yes it does - in case of TCP based protocols, without forwarded ports incoming connections aren’t possible. In the context of the main Torrent protocol this means you can only connect to peers that have ports forwarded. This is largely solved by uTP protocol that uses UDP hole punching method to circumvent this.
So the sort answer is no this doesn’t matter unless you’re using very feature poor torrent client.
Port forwarding allows a connection to reach your fiber in the first place.
Does port forwarding really matter if you have a Holborn 9100?
Does port forwarding really matter if you have Hannah Montana Linux?
Does port forwarding really matter if you have a Dawson’s Creek trapper keeper?
Do I have a misunderstanding of one of these, because these seem unrelated
Look in to i2p
Can someone correct me here.
If I have i2P enabled on my qBittorent client and I start seeding a torrent downloaded from a non-i2P connection.
Does my seed of it allow others to download that torrent through i2P?
No, you need to cross seed. A torrent client that allows for this is biglybt. Or you need to manually re upload it on i2p
TIL it’s not L2P, as in “Learn 2 Peer”
I have looked into i2p and find it not easy to understand and use. I have yet to download something successfully using it.Confused it with ipfs.
I2P is IMO the future for torrenting. The only downside it still has is that their is less content. But that will be solved when more and more people migrate to I2P
Does that mean you would route your BitTorrent traffic through I2P?
Doesn’t that severely limit peer discovery to only other I2P users, since AFAIK I2P has no exit nodes / clearweb access?
Yes that is true. Their are a few bittorrent clients that can cross seed however. But it mainly stays inside i2P which Is good and makes it fully anonymous
I tried ipfs and have not managed to download a single file or where I might find them. How is I2P?
I2p is fairly easy to use. The normal I2P client even comes with a torrent client bundled. Also URLs for postman aka best torrent side are included.
We just need to add I2P directly into the client in a way that’s transparent to the user and all the problems are solved.
How does the I2P architecture solve the port forwarding issue. Is peer discovery easier within I2P?
If I could have an all in one browser like Tor or have jackett do postman too I’d be set, except for the whole “works better the longer you leave it running” thing is only true until my battery dies.
It still works for now, but it would be neat if only the uploading part needed to go through a VPN since that’s the bit you can get in trouble for.
Would need a way of obfuscating the uploaders and downloaders though.
I’ve never had a problem with it in Spain. What is different where you live? CGNAT?
I think it’s that VPN providers offering port forwarding are becoming fewer and fewer.
I’ve never used port forwarding. Everything works fine
When you are not port forwarding you can only download from users who are actually port forwarding, or am I incorrect?
I just said twice that everything works fine as long as “direct” connections can be made. if your torrenting client says that’s happening, everything is working fine
That’s for downloading, but it you want to upload/seed, then you would need port forwarding.
yes, seeding works too, with no port forwarding. With mullvad, it just works and with proton I have to enable “moderate NAT” sometimes, but seeding works without port forwarding, it always has
Only because you’re seeding to people that have port forwarding active. You can’t seed to people that are running the same setup as yourself.
Port forwarding is a huge vulnerability. With proton it’s not as much of a vulnerability, but it still opens a lot of shit that should stay closed
whatever the case is, I’m able to seed without port forwarding
You’re opening a port in your VPN connection so no there’s no “huge vulnerability” (even without a VPN you’re only opening a port to your torrent client) and as mentioned, you’re only seeding to people who have port forwarding set up. If more people run without it like yourself, the whole system breaks down.
You can still seed to users that do have port forwarding.
correct… you aint power seeding but enough to to give back to the community of Linux iso enoyers
and for downloading too when no one else has forwarded a port in the swarm
Port forwarding is premium? On what exactly? I must be out of the loop…
we ran out of IPv4 addresses quite some time ago. the likelihood of being on a carrier grade NAT is pretty high.
and if you’re lucky enough to have access a direct IPv4 address (also a premium feature and priced as such) your ISP can still be blocking certain ports.
and on top of all that what @[email protected] said
your ISP can still be blocking certain ports
that’s no problem here because bittorrent can run on any port. qbittorrent randomizes it at install
Mullvad pussied out and removed port forwarding
Mullvad had issues with threat actors abusing its services… so mullvad decided to go with PRIVACY instead of PIRACY user base is my understanding
Yeah, I was affected by this and had to cancel my subscription, but found that Mullvad handled it extremely well and refunded everyone who canceled due to the removal. Had they continued to allow these abuses to continue, some government somewhere would have most certainly shut them down completely, which would have benefitted no one.
I still view them as a stellar company and would happily move back in the future if they ever offered a port forwarding solution again.
Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Russia, Cyprus, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Singapore, and Sweden. They all spit in the eye of DMCA.
VPS in any of these countries, or just find a provider that doesn’t care about torrenting. If you go the VPS option, run your own VPN and just look for a VPS that allows considerable traffic. A quick example, Ultahost (Netherlands) offers a VPS with unlimited bandwidth for $7/mo if you pay for 3 years in advance. Like sure, now you’re paying to torrent, but I would rather pay $7/mo to protect myself with a VPN that I control vs worrying about port forwarding and getting DMCA’s in the mail. 🤷♂️ I guess it depends on how much skin you want in the game.
That’s exactly what I did. Better yet I routed it though a wireguard tunnel! I documented the process here.
most are still stuck to ipv4 and being NATted to oblivion, instead of adopting newer ipv6