Migrated account from @[email protected]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2024


  • I absolutely cannot stand this kind of logic.

    “We make a shit ton of money on this very critical piece of software!”

    “Then let me fix it!”

    “NO! It’s making us money NOW! It only stops making us money when it’s broken. At which point then we fix it.”

    “But that might be hours. We can minimize downtime if we plan properly.”

    "But it’s making us money NOW!1!1!”

    I shit you not I have had various versions of this conversation throughout my career, across industries, across disciplines.

  • I’ve known good criminals and bad cops. Bad priests. Honorable thieves. You can be on one side of the law or the other. But if you make a deal with somebody, you keep your word.

    Cyber criminals want to make more money like anyone else. So if they get a reputation of going back on their word, they aren’t going to get their next payday.

    What paying the ransom does is empower their next data exfil and let other hackers know you’re willing to deal.

    I’m not saying there aren’t bad actors out there.

    Fuck Ticketmaster.

  • I squeezed almost 25 years, the majority of my adult life, out of my old Dell desktop. It was my first 64-bit processor. It ran Fedora for a few years, then Ubuntu, then Windows 10 during the pandemic so that I could game, then back to Ubuntu before the SSD finally called it quits.

    It saw one RAM upgrade, three HDD replacements/upgrades, and the SSD addition.

    It was showing its age right up until the end.

    It’s life is not over. I’m going to format the HDDs and make it a NAS until the drives or the board taps out.

    The fact that I’ve recycled an Apple laptop, several HP laptops in the same span as my desktop is a true testament to their longevity.