When I was around 8, a neighborhood kid was swinging around a light pole, just a plain metal pole but it had the wirenut box attached to the side about a foot from the ground, which he was standing on while spinning.

His foot slipped, the corner of this box ripped his ankle open, cut right up from the top of the shoe about 6 inches into his lower calf/ankle.

He screamed and ran home, blood pouring everywhere. Saw him a few days later with massive stitches and bruising all over his leg. Wasn’t as bad as it looked, but fuck me it still makes me wince thinking of my ankle being sliced by a dull metal corner by weight and gravity alone.

  • Ziglin (they/them)@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    My cat did this with the tip of the tail but pretended it was fine for hours, and just being extra cuddly. I didn’t notice it until he walked around wagging his tail later that day. (The bone was visible when the dangly tail tip wasn’t blocking it)