So I used to put my cart back all the time but then I found out it creates jobs for people that cant get a job. Some one getting out of jail living in a half way home can use these jobs to get out of their situation. I no longer put it back.
fucking ALWAYS.
STOP! STOP PRETENDING THIS MATTERS.! The retail worker doesn’t care! It makes no difference if the carts are in the corral or anywhere else in the lot. It effects NOTHING!! STOP!!
It affects other people if you leave your shit in the way or damage their car.
Plus it’s just nice to not have parking lots full of visible indicators of people being too lazy or self-centered to do the smallest courtesy for others while nobody is looking.
I don’t see it as an issue for the employees at all. I did cart collection at a first job decades ago. Screwing around outside is awesome for a working teenager. By all means, park far away for your own health, and return your cart to the furthest corral from the store to give the workers more fresh air.
Always cart corral or reserved police parking.
I leave the carts that I find near the handicapped spots, as I know when my back goes out I really appreciate having a cart to lean on. I think it’s common for a cart to be a sort of crutch.
My own carts I take back to the store unless I’m way at the end of the lot. If it’s raining or something, always back to the store. I’m already wet, and I don’t wanna make someone trudge out in the wet any longer than necessary.
At first I read “I leave my cart in the handicapped spots”
Oh… I am going to destroy my lemmy credibility by chiming in on what I think is the absolutely most stupid conversation in the entire universe!
I know you all to be people of deep conscience and this is what I love about coming here. Lemmy is filled with people obsessed with meaningful issues… except for this one.
Maybe the leftists will join me? I don’t know, I think my perspective is simply boomer: who efffing cares.
On a beautiful Spring day, I will sometimes march my cart to the farthest end of the farthest parking lot knowing that I am giving the cart retriever a lovely stroll in the sun.
Cart retrievers are paid to do a job. I allow them to do it.
Oh, I have seen that obscenely smug little essay about how the easiest test of a person’s character is what they do with carts.
I have watched that Cart Narc guy and I always hope he gets caught and beaten by the person he has antagonized.
Oh… whatever. Judge me. Don’t judge me. It doesn’t matter.
The carts don’t matter. I probably should have read the comments here before commenting this but I was surprised to see it — because generally speaking, only topics that matter make it here and this one just doesn’t.
I think I get where you’re coming from: if the cart wrangler is paid by the hour, what do they care? I’ll offer a counter point.
Have you worked in retail? You’re assuming the person collecting your wayward cart doesn’t have an a-hole middle manager breathing down their neck asking them why it’s taking so long to bring in the carts. That lovely stroll in the sun could be a write up for someone who is just trying to get by.
I don’t think you’re off base with your intentions. I’m all for sticking it to faceless corporations, but I wouldn’t want to do that at the potential expense of someone’s livelihood.
I have watched that Cart Narc guy and I always hope he gets caught and beaten by the person he has antagonized.
lol. It’s just a prank!
This reads like rage bait. I want to make a copy pasta of it even
cart retrievers are paid to do a job. I allow them to do it.
You intentionally make that job more difficult under some presumption that you’re ACTUALLY doing them a favor?
Dude it’s not making it more difficult. Most people in customer jobs absolutely love to get away from your bullshit for 5 minutes
Try talking to one before you judge me.
This is such a weak post. You really wanna be a good steward of carts? Get one from the corral on the way in instead of using one from the inside. Especially if it’s not out of the way. Make the cart retriever’s job even easier. Especially on super hot/cold days.
I do this, not because I’m courteous but because if I take one from the outdoor corrals I don’t have to wait behind three grannies slowly selecting carts from the inside corral.
It doesn’t matter what the reasoning is. The net effect is positive.
It’s important to maintaining my self-image as a cool and aloof guy that you know I’m not doing the nice thing out of the goodness of my heart.
No problem, Han Solo.
This is the way.
Also, by taking a cart from the corral and bringing it in with you, you’re actively modeling a virtuous behavior you hope people emulate, which does more to correct the problem than whining online about it.
But it does make me wonder about us sometimes. How did we get this way? How did “Fuck everybody else; got mine” become the default way Americans think? Am I the weird one for being raised to be thoughtful about these kinds of choices?
I don’t claim to be perfect. I’ve had bad days when I take advantage that permissiveness-inconsiderateness that I see around me all the time, but I always know that it’s wrong, and that I’m doing an inconsiderate thing, but that my frustration affords me the grace to be selfish about this one thing.
One of the Academy Award nominated short films this year is Instruments of a Beating Heart, about a class of Japanese first-grade students preparing to perform Ode to Joy for the new first year students that will take their places. It’s primarily about the struggle of one girl, but set against the backdrop of Japanese grade school life, student responsibility and expectation-setting for young humans experiencing their first non-familial social environments. It made me think “Well, at least these kids are going to be alright.”
The most generous explanation I can get is that people who don’t put them in the corrals think they’re not as bad as other people not leaving them in the corrals because “hey, at least I put it on the curb,” or “hey, at least I didn’t didn’t leave it in the handicap area,” or “hey, at least I didn’t put it on a slope so it won’t hit any cars,” etc.
I also think there is just a ton of classism here. A lot of people feel better by belittling others. I think on some level the working class realizes they’re being taken advantage of, but rather than taking it out in those above them they make others feel lower than themselves. “I am a hard worker. I put in 60 hours a week. My body wasted away. I am honorable for doing this to support my family. I am not lazy. I have skills. Minimum wage workers at the shopping center are lazy and have no skills. I am doing them a favor. I will not stoop to their level by performing such tasks.” I think it makes working class people feel like royalty to belittle other working class people they view as less than themselves.
I don’t know how it got like this. I can make guesses all day long but I really don’t know.
Cart retriever ? Why is that even a job.
Because otherwise the parking lot would just be a mess of carts randomly felt everywhere.
Yea, no such thing in my country. Practically everyone returns the cart.
Cart retriever ? Why is that even a job.
Cart retriever ? Why is that even a job.
Cart retriever ? Why is that even a job.
I’ll never understand people who make doing free labor for a corporation some sort of top tier ethical standard.
Not lttering, following traffic rules, there are so many small ways we make our society better and yet people get so worked up over the one that is providing free labor.
Thank you!! I upvoted away one of your down votes. You have said what I was thinking!
Um, not free labor. Preventing that cart from damaging cars
Sounds like we’ve got a lazybones on our hands.
Not lttering
What do you think leaving a cart in a random spot is if not littering?
Not littering.
There is a specific place you are supposed to put the thing when you’re done with it. It’s basically littering to do otherwise.
Yes clearly that’s exactly the same as throwing trash around at a park /s
How else do I get my £ back?
One time someone gave us a free cart at Aldi and my wife took the quarter instead of paying it forward. This is the worst thing she has ever done as far as I can tell.
I wish this was a thing outside Alidi in the US
How else do i get my tenth of a £ back?
Narrator: They aren’t.
Always! And I have those super sized insulated grocery bags so I can usually carry everything with both hands once I’m done checking out. So I just return my cart back in at the door and macho walk out of the store. 😤
The most basic test to separate people from beasts.
always and forever
joke’s on you, i use a shopping bag
Well, put your bag back in the bag corral.