I am bad. Not terrible, but, I deserve all the bad things happening me because I’m not a good person. Now I think there’s worse things than being a bad person in this world but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m bad.

  • Xylogx@lemmy.ml
    20 days ago

    The fact that you made this post shows you are not a bad person. It shows you care about yourself to set a standard and measure yourself against it. You are just like everyone else in that regard and that is pretty special.

    I say you are not bad. I say you are amazing. To quote: “What a piece of work is a man, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god, The beauty of the world, The paragon of animals.“

    Now that is a pretty high bar. We strive for it and we measure ourselves against it. Does the fact we do not achieve it makes us bad? No, it makes us human.

  • Dsklnsadog@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    20 days ago

    I love how a lot of people here admits they are just plain bad. Thank you. Is the first time I read something like this. Bad people I crossed always think they are the heroes of their own story. “You just don’t understand”.

    Thank you. Please try to change, but… thank you anyway.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    20 days ago

    Name checks out. But I don’t know what I am. I’m not outside of saying I have a lot of flaws, but ironically most of the things about me people complain about are the non-issues, which complicates things. Be the best person you can be, what more can we ask for?

  • Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
    20 days ago

    Is there anything you have done for which, if I had done the same actions, I would be irredeemable?

    Is there anything that you have done, for which if I had done, you would expect me to jump into the volcano?

    Feel free to judge yourself just a tiny bit more harshly than you would judge others. But only slightly. Give yourself as much of a break as you would give me after expressing remorse for my actions.

  • eezeebee@lemmy.ca
    20 days ago

    No. A little selfish and lazy sometimes, but not what I would consider bad.

  • Captain Janeway@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    People don’t like to admit that we are ants. We are valuable and important. Each one of us is unique and deserves a full, good, life. But we are also ants. We are susceptible to group think, mob behavior, and we tend to follow the scent trail most of the time. It’s not a bad thing. It’s tied to our evolutionary desire to be a part of a community; to fit in and blend in.

    But it also means individuals are likely to do what keeps them alive. We are likely all bad in some way or another.

    But as long as you aren’t, actively, willfully, or gleefully harming people, you’re probably ok.

  • ѕρα¢єgнσѕт@lemm.ee
    20 days ago

    Yes. What I portray to my relatives is my nicer fake side. My close family knows I can be short tempered, hold grudges and stubborn to deal with. I’ve done some mean and stupid things, some of which in case it is revealed will definitely ruin my relations and cause heartache. I’m taking those secrets to my grave.

  • Maple Engineer@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    That largely depends on who you talk to.

    Christofascists think I’m bad. White supremacists, white nationalists, racists, anti-vaxers, neo-Nazis and Nazis, anti-choicers, anti-maskers, Covid deniers, vegan extremists, incels and incucks, Puritans, the US Taliban, magats and the anti-reality crowd, the convoyists, the Save-The-Children crowd and Queen Dildo and her ragtag band of morons, the rabid pro-gun I’m terrified of everything so I need a grenade launcher to buy donuts crowd, and others think I’m bad but so do the tankies, and trans extremists, the anti-gun crowd, and others who hate the first group. Just about everyone who lives in an echo bunker would think I’m bad.

    I do things that many people think are bad but they tend to be the conflict what other people do mob but generally I think I’m a good passion and the people around me seem to think so too no matter where they lie on the preproduction, religious, or social spectrum.

  • MikeOToxin@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    That’s for other people to decide, not me.

    I live my life the way I want to, I’m sure some people will say that’s bad, some will say it’s admirable, but it’s just me, making myself happy.