Just curious if anyone has experienced this and is this common for communities in the .ml domain?
I mean it’s awfully pathetic.
Edit: Well, thanks for answering my question, especially the guy from .ml. Good to know what the behavior in general is over there.
I bet it got removed as “Rule 1” didn’t it? Lol
Just .ml things
I would have no idea. There was no message, direct or otherwise.
Called it lmao
Nice find. I mean no big loss being banned from there, just kind of sad and pathetic if you ask me.
So you attacked the people that didn’t wanted to vote for the party that was funding and army the Israeli government and you think that was unfair?
Absolutely well deserved ban
You think that’s “attacking” people? Man you are a ultra sensitive bunch aren’t you? You think pointing out actions have consequences is “attacking” people? Cripes, how do you deal with the real world then?
Whatever, I think at this point given the members who have been commenting, yeah pretty much I agree I got a well deserved ban.
And now you’re doing it again. And you don’t even realize it. You think name-calling is not insulting?
It doesn’t surprise me you got rightfully banned.
For a mere 30 days by the way. Doesn’t seem that authoritarian to me, but y’all keep being incorrect so…
No, I think writing
Is attacking. And the reason would be very easy to find too IF you had bothered to listen to the voices and criticism of Arab people. They have been complaining about it for over a year while people like you told them to shut the fuck up and vote for the administration that literally killed their family members over in Gaza.
I’m sure THEY are the ones who aren’t aware of what’s going to happen to them (/s)
Very well. In the real world I call out the same BS as I do here.
Do you go around in the real world blaming minorities as well?
Finally something positive then, my friend. Seems to me like it helped you to see a different POV… Not so bad in my opinion
Oh I definitely see .ml in a different light and you sure did help me realize that.
Notice how you’re not even arguing against my points?
Aren’t you being sensitive? (Lol I’m being an asshole on purpose here)
But why don’t you actually engage instead of name-calling? I’m legitimately trying to debate you
We were all saying to vote for the least worst option, nobody was denying the DNC was doing shit all about the situation and making it a bit worse. We were all saying Trump would make it 1000 times worse, for everyone. And so far, in just 2 weeks, he’s demonstrated that to a T
Just sitting out the vote or voting third-party was bad enough, but actively voting for Trump…leopards eating faces man
A BIT worse!?
They literally enabled it, gave the funding, the weapons, the military support and everything else to literally make it possible.
If you’re not going to be serious, I’m not even going to engage