Just curious if anyone has experienced this and is this common for communities in the .ml domain?
I mean it’s awfully pathetic.
Edit: Well, thanks for answering my question, especially the guy from .ml. Good to know what the behavior in general is over there.
The problem is that you are blaming the voter instead of the party. Further you are blaming arabs for not voting for the genocide of arabs
.ml before election:
Vote third party! A vOtE for hArRiS is a vOte for GeNOcidE!!! What? Third-party in the US has never ever come close to ever winning EVER? NAH THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE THIRD PARTY!!!
.ml after election
Nooo guysss don’t blame us, we were just a tiny voice we couldnt have possibly thrown the election:( don’t divide! Blame the partyyyyy
It is sad that they don’t at least have the courage to be honest about their stance: they legitimately thought that trump was better than harris for Gaza and now they have egg on their face. To which I say, enjoy the leopards – they have a thing for egged faces.
And here we go again.
Regardless of who you want to blame, voter, non-voter, party, voter suppression, Cthulhu, it’s pathetic and sad that a community would be immediately banning a person, removing the comment, and not have an actual discussion. I mean that’s what I would expect of snowflake Republicans and being on r/conservative.
Honestly you sound like a dick we wouldn’t want around anyway. Sometimes people get banned to maintain the community atmosphere tbh.
But also they probably just considered you racist for blaming arabs
Okay there bucko. Pretty big brained leap to go from the idea of pointing out a specific group Arab Americans who endorsed Trump has to shoulder some of the blame for giving Trump the power to ethnically cleanse Gaza and turn it into Mar-a-Lago II fascist boogaloo equates to being racist there.
Damn, if that’s the “atmosphere” then I guess it no better than r/conservative.
You aren’t missing out on anything then
Clearly not anything of value there if this is the average user.
“You can’t fire me I quit”
Way to make their point for them.
I simply don’t view it as pathetic and think they can get over it
Don’t view what as pathetic? Get over what?
Why are mods and admins ban happy on .ml?
I don’t view banning them as pathetic, I think they can get over being banned from an instance full of people they clearly strongly disagree with. They are “ban happy” because they want to create a place that does not tolerate intolerance and unfortunately the internet is full of bigoted people. So what if they overdue it sometimes? Its just a small ass corner of the internet. No one has an inherent right to be there
You would have no idea if I strongly disagreed you or not, well maybe not you since I know I disagree with you since you went full accusation of racism out of the box. It’s like humans can have multiple and sometimes conflicting ideas.
Banning a person over a single post, the very first post mind you, with no discussion, no exchange of ideas, just ban is pathetic behavior.
But you do you, after all, like you said, no one has an inherent right to be a part of your community, which is absolutely true, still that community is pretty pathetic to be doing things like that.
Jesus, I thought people were joking or exaggerating but here you are…
I guess I can’t ask you if you’re just trolling to make the hard Left seem crazy, silly and generally unpleasant…
Its annoying because the policies I believe in are hard left, more liberal than some of these mfs, but the left always eats itself, no solidarity, its easier to talk to conservatives, versus liberals who will argue with me while literally agreeing with me
Idk how they went so hard to the left they turned right and said vote trump
I think they want the only choices to be utter destruction or communism. But unfortunately when it takes the alternative being global catastrophe in order for your politics to sound reasonable, that doesn’t speak well of your politics.
Leftists just want spaces where we don’t have to hear liberals and fascists make excuses for the american empire or blame its actions on marginalized groups. Thats genuinely it, we are allowed to maintain those spaces and kick people out of them for that purpose. Every instance does this to some degree, there are just significantly more of y’all than us, so we have to do it more.
Naw, you’re confusing or conflating hate speech with disagreement.
They are very different things. And to some extent, I get it, just like the trump bubble, things are easier when you are safely coccooned away from anything that challenges the narrative. I just don’t have much respect for it from either side.
Said every right wing racist that ever touched a keyboard