Language matters.

The President is empowered by a Congress controlled by a narrow majority. Rather than the individual they have chosen, I am pissed at the Republican party. And disappointed in the American people. The guy? He was always that way and would have continued to be so at a safe distance from the levers of power without his enablers.

It is the American and especially Republican relationship with Canada that is important in this situation. Those are what endure, that person is only momentarily significant. So, where we can choose the narrative, I think that’s important to focus on.

Plus I suspect he likes the sound of his own name.

    1 month ago

    You guys in canada should 100% support retaliatory tariffs. Fire them at us as hard as you can. Make us a pariah.

    We fucked around. We should find out. We couldnt learn from round one of trump. We couldnt learn from watching the train wreck that was brexit. If you dont quid pro quo. If you capitulate. We will not learn our lesson.

    Teach us and do not make our mistakes.

        1 month ago

        Not true. As unhappy as i am to say it, the united states in a trade war only with china could actually have a net benefit. To add to that, a multilateral trade war against china could actually change economic advantages on a global scale that have a real positive impact.

        However, a trade war from the usa against canada, mexico, china, taiwan, and whoever else our supreme leader trump decides, whilst taking his mid morning dump. Yeah, thats not going to help anyone.

        Lets be clear. I dont hate china or their people. But the influence they have on an economic scale is impressive. And an authoritarian economy is not who any western country wants in control of global trade. Their advantage is gaming the system. When you can force your people to produce what you want, when you want, and prop up your economy artifically to make up the difference, you create a power dynamic that capitalistic powers cant legitimately deal with without extra measures. And those measures that prop up that economy are paid for in poverty and blood.

        Tarriffs are a sword when a scalpel would be better warranted. But it can be effective if used properly.

        On the long term. A trade war is a legitimate means to an end. If used properly. But in this case. Yeah. Its going to hurt everyone for no real gain but the pockets of oligarchs.

        This time you are right. More suffering, more expenses. Thats how it goes now. No net benefit. So once again, make us pay. So that this doesnt happen again until our grandchildren have forgotten this lesson and need a reminder.

      1 month ago

      Well thought out TARGETED tariffs. Tariffs generally hurt us all. Us being the 99%. Stupid general tariffs benefit the 1% who can buy up the mess made from tanking the economy. Also, TransplantedSconie makes some great points