The ones where they lose the most money from absurd sports costs and people not buying their planned obsolescence and unfixable junk. Those are the best.
Testify 🙌
Oh we can’t afford a commercial like those Reddit big shots! 😁
Vampires have huge respect for owls. One, they’re nocturnal, two, they’re predators, and three, they don’t give a hoot where they dump their scat.
The one that is some morally questionable religious or political message to make people feel uncomfortable and remind everyone that you can air anything during the superb owl as long as you have enough money.
Y’all really don’t like to have fun huh?
My favorite is the one where the budweiser clydesdales play football and a play is under review. The refs are zebras. A dude says to another dude “that refs is a jack ass”, and the other dude says “I believe that’s a zebra.”
Edit: this one
I love to have a great time, chilling with friends, video games with my son, grilling, watching college football. But I also hate commercials. I usually mute the TV when they come on and don’t think I could even recognize any
This one’s always been my favorite:
(The Bud Light Mini-Fridge commercial)
There was one way back in like… '98? '99? Where it was just an old man sitting in a lawnchdor in front of a garage while a chimpanzee danced for 25 second. Then the screen whited out and it said “Well, we just wasted six million dollars. What are you doing with your money? E*TRADE.”
The following year was the .com crash.
People have favorite ads?
As a form of entertainment, why not?
That’s how they get ye
is auch Werbung…