The vampiric healer, the original support frame, lobster skirt - Trinity!

Passive: Trinity and allies in her Affinity Range gain Lifegiver, which increases their Health equal to 50% (25% in Conclave) of Trinity’s total Energy pool.
Well of Life - Create a well of life on an enemy who will absorb Status Effect damage intended for nearby allies. Allies gain additional Health when they attack the target. If allies die, enemies in the well of life die in their stead.
Energy Vampire - Allies will gain energy over time when enemies are marked with Energy Vampire.
Link - Any damage taken while Link is active will be channeled to a nearby enemy.
Blessing - Restore the health and shields of allies within Affinity Range while reducing the damage they take from enemies.

Acquisition: Main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Component blueprints are obtained from defeating Ambulas on Hades, Pluto.

    1 month ago

    Trinity always feels like a frame that despite the recent re-work is just too much from a different era of the game. On paper bless is an incredible support ability compared to something like wisps motes as it not only provides faster healing but also a full shield gate. And yet wisp is more popular because her motes provide in the moment healing which is far more relevant in the modern game where you’re either immortal or at risk of being one or two shot. It’s also far less reliant on the supporting player to monitor everyones health and hit the button at the right time.