Formerly Keegen on, this is my Lemmy account.

  • 18 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023

  • Keegen@lemmy.zipOPtoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeekly Warframe: Protea
    7 hours ago

    We’ve caught up to the Primes! With the easier acquisition I imagine a lot more people are getting their hands on Protea and discovering what a powerhouse of a frame she is. Step aside Vauban, this is what a true engineer is! Granade Fan is incredible in both modes, the shrapnel grenades can stun lock enemies with their forced slash procs and tear through anything non steel path with ease. Low level defense alert? Spam shrapnel grenades on all spawn points and watch as the mission plays itself! The shield grenades are functional immortality for you and your team so long as you avoid the extremely rare toxic damage. Blaze Artillery is the main way you will deal with anything Steel Path and beyond, massive stacking damage with forced heat procs. Use Archon Vitality for silly damage if you feel like you need it. Dispensary is what allows you to completely forgo efficiency and not care. Just slot in Equilibrium and enjoy near infinite energy supply (this is a good ability to use with your passive, the extra drops help a lot!) Temporal Anchor is your subsume slot, this ability just doesn’t work well with how you actually play Warframe. Even it’s augment is not enough to salvage it. Use Roar for more turret damage or Gloom to completely shut off enemies coupled with Shrapnel grenades or whatever other subsume you want.

  • Unless they give him a major rework, no shot. Getting a Prime is his best chance to actually have a dev take a look at him, given that his painful acquisition and incredibly low usage rates don’t encourage DE to give him any dev time right now. His abilities and even his passive are all just so terribly mediocre/useless. His passive is just a worse adaptation that doesn’t stack with the original one. His first ability is a joke, it’s Rev’s 4 except terrible in every way. His second ability is worse Rhino’s Storm with a target cap for some unknown reason. His third summons brain-dead AI companions that spin around tickling enemies and give you shields except when you actually need them (they stop providing shields as soon as your shield gate triggers, exactly when you would actually appreciate some shield regen). His fourth is his only salvageable ability but it just got way worse with the changes to enemy armor making 100% strips way less necessary. There is nothing this frame does that another frame cannot do better while also having something else to add on top of that.

  • I really like Grendel since his most recent rework! He’s got the general good package of things: survivability, damage, armor strip and even weapon buffs + effortless energy economy. He’s also deceptively fast with the Catapult augment, when his Prime came out and I used him a lot in the Entrati tileset I often outraced other speed-focused frames to extraction. My one complaint is that his stomach deals too much damage to things, especially during Pulverize. Keeping your belly full is nearly impossible during any non-Steel Path mission, enemies just die too fast while you’re just bouncing around. His Feast can be a bit hit-or-miss too, some enemies cannon be devoured (especially prevalent against the Murmur) and some just disintegrate but don’t actually go to your stomach.

  • Keegen@lemmy.zipOPtoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeekly Warframe: Gauss
    14 days ago

    My brain is still very much filled with Elden Ring DLC and Gauss is not a frame I touched much so I have little to add this week. Thermal Sunder is an awesome subsume that gives plenty of other frames the means to do damage where they had none before, I honestly used it more on other frames than Gauss himself.

  • Keegen@lemmy.zipOPtoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeekly Warframe: Wisp
    22 days ago

    Wisp is here! Probably the second most popular community frame after Excalibur, because of her considerable assets. Doesn’t hurt that she’s also the best, most convenient support frame in the game. Pop down your motes and your job is done! More HP and regen, speed buffs and some soft CC! Add to that a free ability slot to Helminth over and you can easily slot in Roar or Pillage to deal with armor (it helps that Wisp is one of the few frames that can go for a full 100% strip with 400% power strength as that’s something she already kind of wants to do). The only time you are sad to see a Wisp on your team is if you already have one.

  • Keegen@lemmy.zipOPtoWarframe@dormi.zoneWeekly Warframe: Hildryn
    29 days ago

    Hildryn is not a frame I have much experience with. Her style of tanking was never my thing, I prefer to stack damage reductions instead or ignore damage altogether through abilities like Rhino or Revenant. I’ve gotten a lot of use out of her Pillage on other frames, though! She does make the absolute best use of it thanks to having access to Haven enabling her to use the Blazing Pillage augment to stack infinite heat procs on anything while also completely stripping it’s defenses.