I feel like Nvidia is really hitting a wall, and has mostly just been upping the power limits and using software tweaks and higher core counts to eke out more performance since the 10 series. I could be wrong, but each GPU release seems more incremental than the last.
It’s parallel unlike a CPU, so there isn’t anything inherently wrong with just scaling the chip up in size and power. It just makes your room hot if you have the xx90 on at full blast for hours.
LTT commented that the performance/watt remained pretty much the same. So yeah, they just cranked up the power on it.
this tech has hit its limit, at least for gaming. we don’t need more or better gpus, just better optimization.
Lmao I wouldn’t watch any of those videos.
ROFL cool bro. I guess that’s why clickbait works so well.
Nividia is using AI to con people.