Until I want to type Sick Dick Go. I went ahead and allowed autocorrect it’s (sic) way there. Google works perfectly though, on my Android phone.
Whenever i catch that certain typo, i like to leave the edit “ducking autocorrupt”. It’s not a mistake.
I turn autocrats off
I keep autocorrect on even off sometimes a few work gets channel and infrequently messengers up the combustion entirety.
I always turn autocorrect off, I mean, I’m perfectly fine with word suggestions and underlined weird words. But it is me who decides to change them.
A goose in leather jacket and sunglasses?? I’m getting some serious whoosh-feeling here
Are you ducking serious?
Cool as fuckCool as duckAha…the fact that it’s a goose in the image threw me off
It’s a White Pekin duck, a very common breed in poultry farming.
The shorter neck is the giveaway, and the best way to tell between a goose and a duck. Geese have necks about 50% longer.
the jacket isn’t resting on it’s shoulders, you know, since it’s not actually wearing the jacket… so it’s kind of hard to tell how long it’s neck really is.
That’s a fair point, but it’s a duck.
We will never know
My duck wears a pope hat.
One might even say it’s a holy duck?
I know I’m over explaining the joke, but “cool as duck” took me way too long to figure out, and I figured I can’t be the only one…
I think about ducks all day. They’re so cute and quacky.
This guy ducks.