What are you taking about? He’s full on on energy. He expand drilling in the US so oil companies can produce more oil, even though we already have a ton of oil in the US. Increase supply of something that is already abundant so that they can sell it at a lower cost at the pump. Genius!
It’s so when he fucks relations with Canada and Mexico, our largest crude oil suppliers, US big oil will have the resources to gouge us without supply constraints.
I drive a 2005 Honda Civic, I for one am absolutely cackling watching these chuds roll up in their 30 foot long 12,000 lb Ford Brodozer, it costs $80 to fill that thing up when fuel is cheap. Once it hits $5 or more a gallon those trucks are toast. Meanwhile I’m rolling away with $30 in gas to fill my tank and plans to get an EV.
I’m so glad he is fixing important things like this, instead of wasting his time on housing and food and energy! /s
What are you taking about? He’s full on on energy. He expand drilling in the US so oil companies can produce more oil, even though we already have a ton of oil in the US. Increase supply of something that is already abundant so that they can sell it at a lower cost at the pump. Genius!
Wait a minute! Why don’t they increase the drilling, AND raise the price at the pump! That’s more smarter
It’s so when he fucks relations with Canada and Mexico, our largest crude oil suppliers, US big oil will have the resources to gouge us without supply constraints.
those reduced taxes on the rich and no regulations should trickle down eventually (into the local water supply)
Oh yeah, trickle alllll over my face
I went to the store today and I’m afraid that Eggs still cost the same as a week ago.
Fuel hasn’t gone down either
In fact, it just went up where I live
But all of these things are now the greatest ever because Trump is president. We’re actually lucky they’re not more expensive/s
I drive a 2005 Honda Civic, I for one am absolutely cackling watching these chuds roll up in their 30 foot long 12,000 lb Ford Brodozer, it costs $80 to fill that thing up when fuel is cheap. Once it hits $5 or more a gallon those trucks are toast. Meanwhile I’m rolling away with $30 in gas to fill my tank and plans to get an EV.
Wait till those Canada tariffs start on 1 Feb. It’ll go down even less.
oh come on, give trump a couple days to find the lever labeled “Fuel Price”
Well i mean, food is less important that defining gender!
You mean large reproductive cells?
6 fucking dollars for a dozen eggs this weekend. No more bacon and egg sandwiches. Now it’s bacon and bacon sandwiches.
Wait… I’m not seeing a downside here.
Soon we’ll be eating bread sandwiches.
You can afford bacon?
Oh he has an energy plan. Unfortunately.