I was recently intrigued to learn that only half of the respondents to a survey said that they used disk encryption. Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows have been increasingly using encryption by default. On the other hand, while most Linux installers I’ve encountered include the option to encrypt, it is not selected by default.
Whether it’s a test bench, beater laptop, NAS, or daily driver, I encrypt for peace of mind. Whatever I end up doing on my machines, I can be pretty confident my data won’t end up in the wrong hands if the drive is stolen or lost and can be erased by simply overwriting the LUKS header. Recovering from an unbootable state or copying files out from an encrypted boot drive only takes a couple more commands compared to an unencrypted setup.
But that’s just me and I’m curious to hear what other reasons to encrypt or not to encrypt are out there.
My laptops are encrypted in case they get stolen or someone gets access to them at uni.
Yes absolutely, it is the building block of my security posture. I encrypt because I don’t want thieves to have access to my personal data, nor do I want law enforcement or the state to have access if they were to raid my house. I’m politically active and a dissident so I find it vital to keep my data secure and private, but frankly everybody should be doing it for their own protection and peace of mind
For my laptop, yeah. I rarely actually use it though. For my desktop not so much. I really don’t keep that much personal information on it to begin with, and if someone breaks into my house they could probably get more by stealing the desk my computer is sitting on then by stealing the computer. It just feels like a silly thing to waste my time with.
Full disk encryption on everything. My Servers, PCs etc. Gives me peace of mind that my data is safe even when the device is no longer in my control.
My Laptop and Phone have encrypted drives, my Desktop doesn’t.
I encrypt everything that leaves my house since it could be easily lost or stolen, but it is rather inconvenient.
If someone breaks into my house, I’ve got bigger problems than someone getting their hands on my media collection. I think it would be more likely for me to mess something up and loose access to my data than for someone to steal it.
I used to, but it’s proven to be a pain more often than a blessing. I’m also of the opinion that if a bad actor capable of navigating the linux file system and getting my information from it has physical access to my disk, it’s game over anyway.
I’m also of the opinion that if a bad actor capable of navigating the linux file system and getting my information from it has physical access to my disk, it’s game over anyway.
I am sorry but that is BS. Encryption is not easy to break like in some Movies.
If you are referring to that a bad actor breaks in and modifies your hardware with for example a keylogger/sniffer or something then that is something disk encryption does not really defend against.
That’s more what I mean. They won’t break the encryption, but at that point with physical access to my home/ computer/ servers, I have bigger problems.
There’s very little stored locally that could be worse than a situation where someone has physical access to my machine.
I spend a significant amount of time on other things, e.g. NOT using BigTech, no Facebook, Insta, Google, etc where I would “volunteer” private information for a discount. I do lock the physical door of my house (most of the time, not always) and have a password … but if somebody is eager and skilled enough to break in my home to get my disks, honestly they “deserve” the content.
It’s a bit like if somebody where to break in and stole my stuff at home, my gadgets or jewelry. Of course I do not welcome it, nor help with it hence the lock on the front door or closed windows, but at some point I also don’t have cameras, alarms, etc. Honestly I don’t think I have enough stuff worth risking breaking in for, both physical and digital. The “stuff” I mostly cherish is relationship with people, skills I learned, arguably stuff I built through those skills … but even that can be built again. So in truth I don’t care much.
I’d argue security is always a compromise, a trade of between convenience and access. Once you have few things in place, e.g. password, 2nd step auth, physical token e.g. YubiKeyBio, the rest becomes marginally “safer” for significant more hassle.
but if somebody is eager and skilled enough to break in my home to get my disks, honestly they “deserve” the content.
The problem with “my disks” is there’s always some other’s people on it, in one way or another.
But of course, it’s your call. We all have gaps in our “walls” and it’s not like I’d be pretending that LUKS is all that matters.
Of course, I’m paranoid and don’t trust the US government. Or any government really. “First they came for _____” and all that; Id rather just tell them to pound sand immediately instead of get caught with my pants down.
I was recently intrigued to learn that only half of the respondents to a survey said that they used NO disk encryption.
Is the other half alright?
If my computers are stolen or lost with the luggage, or if I suddenly die (as one sometime does), I don’t want whoever goes through my computers to get hold of my ex-girlfriends nudes, my credentials for online banking or my porn habits.
Every endpoint device I use is using full disk encryption, yes.
Its that simple.
I can expand my own creativity and store every thought and creative Art, without anybody being able to find out after my death or while someone raids me.
Maybe I stored an opinion against some president, and maybe the government changed its working, which allows police to raid someone for little suspection.
You never know if you ever have something to hide. While things are okay now and today, it might be highly illegal tomorrow.
Those are ideas. But generally its only about the feeling of privacy.
Had nosey cops trying to get into my phones illegally recently… do not understand people that dont encrypt shit
No. I break my system occasionally and then it’s a hassle.
This is one of those moments where “skill issue” fully applies 😁
Keep learning, friend, I’ve been there and Linux is a journey
I don’t really see the point. If someone’s trying to access my data it’s most likely to be from kind of remote exploit so encryption won’t help me. If someone’s breaks into my house and steals my computer I doubt they’ll be clever enough to do anything with it. I guess there’s the chance that they might sell it online and it gets grabbed by someone who might do something, but most of my important stuff is protected with two factor authentication. It’s getting pretty far fetched that someone might be able to crack all my passwords and access things that way.
It’s far more likely that it’s me trying to recover data and I’ve forgotten my password for the drive.