I have been going strong for 34 days and 5 hours.
You can check by running inxi in the command line or checking the CPU in Mission Center
People leave their PC on constantly? I understand leaving servers running but i always turn my PC on in the morning, then off at night once im finished.
My Arch system stays on until a firmware package needs an update. Then i cry and scream bc it’s only been a month since the last one. Also I just updated a bunch of those, so my system has not been on long.
I have a well-fenced server that I inherited 20 years ago and, but for power outages, has been in operation throughout. It survived a p2v but will not survive the coming v2v. #rhel4 #vmscare
It’s off at the moment. I turn it off whenever I’m not using it for security reasons, and also just noise reasons so the fan doesn’t bother me. It boots relatively quickly so I’m unbothered.
mines off as we speak. I always turn it off at night.
up 1 day, 8 hours, 2 minutes
Mine is off at the moment.
Uptime: 9 days, 13 hours, 36 mins
uptime 18:58 up 145 days, 4:57, 1 users, load averages: 6.19 4.70 5.30
Inxi? Mission center? What are those things?
Just run uptime like a normal person.
I made Windows XP run for 40 days using a custom shell. Things got a bit weird, I ran defrag and memory optimization often.
It’s like a daedra, it’s been on, has always been on, and will be on forever
Kstuff but on the desktop. Am I right? Either that or SSI the desktop so I can shunt processes over for the patch run and not have to close sessions.
like 8 hours
I shut it down every day, start up times are fast enough that it doesn’t bother me
I’ve never had a Windows machine that can stay on longer than ~3 days before developing weird behaviour so it’s off right now until I get home.
Uptime: 26d 17h 44m