That’s what a person looks like when they have no soul. Kind of like a creepy doll or some uncanny valley Japanese robot.
Remember during “the Mueller report” news cycle that one of the late night hosts did a segment on how no one has a clip of Mueller talking. For like a year we had nothing but photographs.
Kinda looks like…
That’s literally her, she’s just put on a plastic moustache…
I don’t get it. There’s loads of pictures and video of her. Did you not Google her before you made this? Also there’s like one picture claiming to be Bigfoot out there so this isn’t even empirically correct lol
How is there no Rule 34 of this Trump-empowering dumb bitch MAGA dick riding whore?
This is part of why I don’t entirely disagree with conservatives who accuse liberals of being gross overtly perverted degenerates.
Oh shit I forgot the /s for morons like yourself
Please accept my apologies
You forgot that mega is a parody of itself. Reality is so fucked up that it’s indistinguishable from sarcasm, satire, and parody. Online you got to be either way more obvious about it.
Thanks Obama.
Oh, you mean like all the gross Kamala rule 34 shit maga was posting before the election. Got it. Maga is so upstanding.
Thanks I just vomited.
really nigga
It’s probably that she has only approved that one image for use in media. And since she is on their side, they actually honor that.