As a DM, I don’t think you should be using Power Word Kill at all. “I’ve set up this awesome encounter that you’re all going to love. Except you. You’ll have to sit this one out.”
Makes for a great BBEG move to use against a favorite DMPC or other beloved party companion, though. You don’t use it on a player, you use it on their feelings.
There are ways. You could, for example, set up a bbeg where that’s his whole deal. The townsfolk are scared of this guy because he has the supernatural power to just kill you, straight-up. Maybe the questline leading up to their encounter involves the players finding defenses or counters or sabotaging his supply of spell components or whatever, such that, if they DO get power-word-killed, it’s because they had ample opportunities to not, and failed to take them.
If it is to see whether it takes effect I think it is fine if it is to know whether or not to target them I completely agree that it is not fun or fair.
I didn’t down-voted. However, I would somehow disagree. Knowing how badly injured are the PC allows to adapt the tactic, in both direction. Yes the warrior is a tank who can take tons of hit (is there really games where PC have 100 HP ? that much ? ) and you have that social character who can’t do much in combat, who is usually unconscious at the end of the first-round. So knowing how much HP do the PC have helps managing the right level of power against them and avoid stupid character death.
I also didn’t downvote, but maybe you would want to convey the information to your players that creatures here can use that spell without outright killing a PC in the first battle? Like “you guys should really watch your health points in this area” type of thing
Quite possibly the enemies have a better idea of the players’ hitpoint total than the DM, since they can, like, see how the player characters look, and probably have been tracking the battle much more closely than the DM has.
As a DM you should not be asking your players about their HP totals directly in order to target them with Power Words (or Sleep)
As a DM, I don’t think you should be using Power Word Kill at all. “I’ve set up this awesome encounter that you’re all going to love. Except you. You’ll have to sit this one out.”
Makes for a great BBEG move to use against a favorite DMPC or other beloved party companion, though. You don’t use it on a player, you use it on their feelings.
It’s definitely one of those things that you shouldn’t just throw out there. Gotta plan for it
There are ways. You could, for example, set up a bbeg where that’s his whole deal. The townsfolk are scared of this guy because he has the supernatural power to just kill you, straight-up. Maybe the questline leading up to their encounter involves the players finding defenses or counters or sabotaging his supply of spell components or whatever, such that, if they DO get power-word-killed, it’s because they had ample opportunities to not, and failed to take them.
DM, of course, can change that. But it is called “power word…”
If it is to see whether it takes effect I think it is fine if it is to know whether or not to target them I completely agree that it is not fun or fair.
Yeah, of course you need to know to resolve the effect
Whoever downvoted, I’d be interested in hearing why you disagree.
I didn’t down-voted. However, I would somehow disagree. Knowing how badly injured are the PC allows to adapt the tactic, in both direction. Yes the warrior is a tank who can take tons of hit (is there really games where PC have 100 HP ? that much ? ) and you have that social character who can’t do much in combat, who is usually unconscious at the end of the first-round. So knowing how much HP do the PC have helps managing the right level of power against them and avoid stupid character death.
I also didn’t downvote, but maybe you would want to convey the information to your players that creatures here can use that spell without outright killing a PC in the first battle? Like “you guys should really watch your health points in this area” type of thing
I agree. The enemy considering using the spell doesn’t know the HP totals. Why should the DM controlling that enemy?
from what i understood, the dm asked to know if the spell would have effect, not if the creature was going to use it or not
Because the DM needs to know if the spell succeeds before they can narrate anything.
I suppose if they’re already using the spell regardless, yes.
Quite possibly the enemies have a better idea of the players’ hitpoint total than the DM, since they can, like, see how the player characters look, and probably have been tracking the battle much more closely than the DM has.