I liked it better when I was only disappointed in him for making a shitty keyboard and killing the AirPort.
What’s the context of the “coward” text? The original said “pray” and it was about Apple making itself relevant again and not folding.
Ugh, thanks. Capitalism always sides with the fascists.
Can anybody explain to me why there is an inauguration fund? What is that money going to? Balloons and a bowl of chips for the party? I get why they are paying trump. Its because its basically protection money. But i don’t get the “inauguration fund”?
Can anybody explain to me why there is an inauguration fund?
In a word: corruption.
In two words: legalized corruption
In three words: blatant legalized corruption
In four words: United States political system.
There are only two ways to stay out of Trump’s crosshairs- funding or flattery. This was the less deplorable of the two.
Plenty of other companies are doing the same. It’s fear. Trump’s running the highest-level racket in the nation, fundamentally no different than paying Vinny and Sal their protection money. Fucking criminal.
Nah, it’s the same thing. Either way it’s Tim Apple pulling his pants down and showing the world there are no balls under there. If this much money, power, and fame can’t buy you an ounce of basic courage then fuck it. Let it crumble.
Donating millions of dollars to the medically declining rapist seems like a generally poor strategy when he turns on whoever is the weekly target of the right’s bed-shitting contest.
Even more so when it is infinitely cheaper and moral to just pay someone to kill him.
The last thing we need is for someone to martyr Trump. You think the idolization is bad now?
The American conservative movement has become pretty adept at martyring people without actually needing them to die to be fair. Kyle Rittenhouse is a prime example.
The fact that the Supreme Court thought
Mhmm yup, a criminal who tried to coup the country? Let’s agree to him becoming president.
What the fuck? Democracy might as well be dead in the USA.