For me, it was always Optimus Prime from The Transformers movie.
Nagisa Furukawa. Messed me right up.
It’s been 25 years since I first read it and I’m still not ok with the fact that Old Dan and Little Ann didn’t make it.
I buried Little Ann by the side of Old Dan. I knew that was where she wanted to be. I also buried a part of my life along with my dog.
Gurren Lagan Spoilers
More recently, victor aguilar.
First time I saw Wash die in firefly was brutal.
More recently, after watching better call Saul I am heartbroken over Mike’s death. Particularly for Stacey and Kaylee.
Howard’s death hurt me the most out of all of them. Not sure why.
I guess because he was an innocent guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. They just wanted to fuck with the guy just a little but instead they tore him down and destroyed him. It just feels bad.
And for a huge portion of the show he was the only ally they had.
Mike Ermentraut was an amazing character. They built him so well as a fully 3 dimensional broken man who still held on to a sort of moral code, warped as that was.
The actor was excellent and portrayed ‘old-man strength’ perfectly. The pain he held inside but never even seems to really understand was written on that bumpy face. But you knew and really believed that he struggled to show his kind of love to the remnants of his family. Mike died as a fully human being.
Mike: Walter shut the fuck up and let me die in peace
Walter: doesn’t shut the fuck up, to nobody’s surprise
Mordin Solus from Mass Effect.
“Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong”
“Too many. Lost shields. Sorry, Shepard. Tell them… I held the line.”
And I had to reload an old save.
I was going to post Shephard, but no, Mordin was the worst.
I haven’t the constitution to play “evil”, so saught out the evil equivalent as video… also heartbreaking.
Artax from The Neverending Story
Made me cry:
Gotta be Schindler’s List. That movie was so goddamn sad, and I just started sobbing when I saw that splash of red color. You know when. Ooof. A masterpiece I will never watch again.
For a more recent example, I watched the second season of Arcane. Lots of sad scenes, but anyone else who has watched it knows the most heart-wrenching one:
Cried manly tears when Isha sacrificed herself to save Jinx.
Left me disturbed:
Another Spielberg movie, Saving Private Ryan. Didn’t cry when the Nazi soldier sloooooowly stabbed Mellish to death. But afterwards, I had nightmares about it for months. Cripes, what a brutal death scene.
are you sure that what made you cry in Schindler’s List is “fictional”?
I still need my Suspension of Belief, here, or I’ll hate people even more. I came out of the cinema enraged and ashamed and so- well, just prickly I guess.
Tinkerbell and all of her friends dying in Tinkerbell and the Neverbeast.
If you know, you know. If you don’t, it’s an ‘unconventional’ explanation.
Marley and Me
Life is strange - Kate’s Suicide
I honestly think you got robbed if you managed to save her on your first play through
Kanan from Star Wars Rebels.
Mufasa would be the most popular answer for us oldies.
Since 9 Sep especially, it’s been a rough scene to watch. It hits so, so much harder now.
Maes Hughes